Home * Hardware
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Dedicated Chess Hardware
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- Berkeley Chess Microprocessor
- Dedicated Chess Computers
Programmable Logics
- PAL - Programmable array logic
- GAL - Generic array logic
- CPLD - Complex programmable Logic Device
- FPGA - Field-programmable gate array
Famous Chess Machines
General Purpose Hardware
Historic Computers
- Honeywell 6000 (GE-600)
ICL ...
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from Wikipedia
µ-Processors & Controller
- Fairchild F8
- H8
- 8080 by Intel
- 6800 by Motorola
- 6502 by MOS Technology
- Z80 by Zilog
- 68000 by Motorola (external 16 bit databus)
- 68020 by Motorola
- 68030 by Motorola
- ARM2 by Acorn Computers Ltd
- ARM6 by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd
- ARM11 by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd
- ARMv7
- PowerPC by Apple, IBM and Motorola
- SPARC V7/V8 by Sun Microsystems
- x86 by Intel and AMD
- ARMv8
- Armv9
- DEC Alpha by Digital Equipment Corporation
- i860 by Intel
- Itanium by Intel
- MIPS64 by MIPS_Technologies
- PA-RISC 2.0 by HP
- PowerPC 620 by Apple, IBM and Motorola
- PowerPC G5 by IBM
- SPARC V9 by Sun Microsystems
- x86-64 or x64 by AMD and Intel
1960 ...
- Martin H. Weik (1961). A Third Survey of Domestic Electronic Digital Computing Systems. Report No. 1115
1970 ...
- Gordon Bell, Allen Newell (1971). Computer Structures: Readings and Examples. McGraw-Hill, ISBN-13: 978-0070043572, amazon
- Ozalp Babaoglu (1977). Hardware implementation of the legal move generation and relative ordering functions for the game of chess. Master's thesis, University of California, Berkeley
- John Moussouris, Jack Holloway, Richard Greenblatt (1979). CHEOPS: A Chess-orientated Processing System. Machine Intelligence 9 (Jean Hayes Michie, Donald Michie and L.I. Mikulich editors) Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1979, pp. 351-360. Reprinted (1988) in Computer Chess Compendium » CHEOPS
1980 ...
- Joe Condon, Ken Thompson (1982). Belle Chess Hardware. Advances in Computer Chess 3, Reprinted (1988) in Computer Chess Compendium » Belle
- Carl Ebeling, Andrew James Palay (1984). The Design and Implementation of a VLSI Chess Move Generator. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. IEEE and ACM.
- Carl Ebeling (1986). All the Right Moves: A VLSI Architecture for Chess. Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, MIT Press [1] » HiTech
- Feng-hsiung Hsu (1986). Two designs of functional units for VLSI based chess machines. Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Department. Paper 1566.
- Feng-hsiung Hsu (1987). A Two-Million Moves/Sec CMOS Single-Chip Chess Move Generator. IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, Vol. 22, No. 5
1990 ...
- James Testa, Alvin M. Despain (1990). A CMOS VLSI chess microprocessor'. University of California, Berkeley, Custom Integrated Circuit Conference
- Feng-hsiung Hsu, Murray Campbell, Joe Hoane (1995). Deep Blue System Overview. International Conference on Supercomputing » Deep Blue
- Yi-Fan Ke (1996). A parallel hardware architecture for accelerating computer chess system-平行電腦象棋系統架構之設計及研究. Ph.D. thesis, National Taiwan University
- Yi-Fan Ke, Tai-Ming Parng (1996). A Parallel Hardware Architecture for Accelerating α-β Game Tree. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, September, 1996, pp. 1232-1240
- Feng-hsiung Hsu (1999). IBM’s Deep Blue Chess Grandmaster Chips. IEEE Micro, Vol. 19, No. 2, pdf
2000 ...
- Marc Boulé (2002). An FPGA Move Generator for the Game of Chess. Masters thesis, McGill University, (Supervisor: Zeljko Zilic, Co-Supervisor: Monty Newborn), pdf
- Marc Boulé, Zeljko Zilic (2002). An FPGA Move Generator for the Game of Chess. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, pdf
- Chrilly Donninger, Ulf Lorenz (2004). The Chess Monster Hydra in Field Programmable Logic and Application, 14th International Conference, FPL 2004, Leuven, Belgium, August 30-September 1, 2004. Proceedings, pp 927-932. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-22989-6, pdf
- Samuel T. King, Joseph Tucek, Anthony Cozzie, Chris Grier, Weihang Jiang, Yuanyuan Zhou (2008). Designing and Implementing Malicious Hardware. LEET 2008, pdf
Forum Posts
2000 ...
- Computer chess and processor speed in 20 years from now... by Chris, CCC, February 26, 2003
- A question about the best hardware for chess today by Uri Blass, CCC, July 30, 2009
2010 ...
- hardware advances - a different perspective by Robert Hyatt, CCC, September 09, 2010
- old crafty vs new crafty on new hardware by Robert Hyatt, CCC, September 11, 2010 » Knowledge, Crafty
- Final results - Crafty - hardware vs software by Robert Hyatt, CCC, September 13, 2010 » Software, Crafty
- hardware doubling number for Crafty by Robert Hyatt, CCC, September 15, 2010 » Crafty
- Good question: What % improvement is hardware vs. software? by Jonathan Lee, CCC, January 17, 2014
- Moore's Law by Mark Lefler, CCC, March 16, 2016 [2] [3]
- The Gigatron project by Harm Geert Muller, CCC, December 06, 2017 » Gigatron
2020 ...
- The Next Big Thing in Computer Chess? by Srdja Matovic, CCC, April 12, 2023 >> Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Chess
External Links
- Hardware (disambiguation) from Wikipedia
- Personal computer hardware from Wikipedia
- History of computing hardware from Wikipedia
- Minicomputer "Museum" by Carl Friend
- The Rhode Island Computer Museum
- The Personal Computer Museum, Brantford, Ontario, Canada - Computers
- Computer 50 - The University of Manchester Celebrates the Birth of the Modern Computer
- Moore's law from Wikipedia
- After Moore's law | Technology Quarterly | The Economist, March 12, 2016 [4]
- Gigatro TTL from Wikipedia [5] [6]
- ↑ Any opinion about this book?: "All the Right Moves" by E Diaz, CCC, January 02, 2012
- ↑ Moore's law from Wikipedia
- ↑ After Moore's law | Technology Quarterly | The Economist, March 12, 2016
- ↑ Moore's Law by Mark Lefler, CCC, March 16, 2016
- ↑ 8-bit color computer from TTL by Marcel van Kervinck, Hackaday.io, 2017
- ↑ About – Gigatron