ARM6, (ARM610, ARM7)
a family of 32-bit RISC processors of the ARMv3 architecture released in early 1992 by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd, a company structured as a joint venture between Acorn Computers Ltd, Apple and VLSI Technology, which became ARM Ltd when its parent company, ARM Holdings, floated on the London Stock Exchange and NASDAQ in 1998 [2].
The ARM6 is instruction compatible to Acorn's ARM2, has a full 32-bit address bus, requiring an extra PSR register. The differences between ARM6 and the later ARM7 are that the latter has a hardware debug capability, the Thumb instruction set to support both 16-bit and 32-bit instruction formats and an enhanced multiplier [3].
Computer Chess
The ARM6 and successors were used in various dedicated chess computers, notably the RISC 2500, Mephisto Montreux, TASC R30 and TASC R40.
See also
- ARM® and Thumb®-2 Instruction Set Quick Reference Card (pdf)
- ARM Assembly Language Programming by Pete Cockerell
- Anthony Fox (2003). Formal Specification and Verification of ARM6. LNCS, Vol. 2758, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, Springer [4]
- Michael J. C. Gordon (2004). Formal Specification and Verification of ARM6. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Final Report as pdf
External Links
- Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. — ARM6 - Wikipedia
- ARMwiki
- ARM Assembler
- Instruction set quick finder
- Differences Between ARM6 and Earlier ARM Processors (Wayback Machine)
- ARM from Wiki
- RISC OS from Wikipedia
- ARM Hardware Overview
- ARM Information Center
- Race to Embedded World Domination by Paul DeMone, Real World Tech, November 9, 2000
- Formal Specification and Verification of ARM6, University of Cambridge
- ↑ Die shot of ARM610 microprocessor made by GEC Plessey Semiconductors, Photo by Pauli Rautakorpi, June 13, 2014
- ↑ Apple, DEC, Intel, Marvell: ARM6, StrongARM, XScale - Wikipedia
- ↑ Michael J. C. Gordon (2004). Formal Specification and Verification of ARM6. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Final Report as pdf
- ↑ HOL (proof assistant) from Wikipedia