Interdata M85

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Home * Hardware * Interdata M85

Interdata M85,
a 16-bit minicomputer by Interdata Inc., Oceanport, New Jersey, acquired in 1973 by PerkinElmer, and their German subsidiary Interdata GmbH, Munich [1]. Like the Model 80, the M85 was programmable with microcode, and had 32 16-bit registers. Alexander Reinefeld (micro) programmed the Interdata M85, to design and develop the Murks chess program, and to research on search algorithms, such as NegaScout.



M85 Panel [2]

Chess Programs


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  1. Interdata 832 Megamini: " Riese" mit Lampenfieber, April 11, 1975, Computerwoche 15/1975
  2. Alexander Reinefeld (2005). Die Entwicklung der Spielprogrammierung: Von John von Neumann bis zu den hochparallelen Schachmaschinen. slides as pdf, Themen der Informatik im historischen Kontext Ringvorlesung an der HU Berlin, 02.06.2005 (English paper, German title), Interdata M85, page 37

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