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Home * Hardware * Amiga

Amiga 1000 [1]

a family of personal computers marketed by Commodore International from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Amiga was based on 68000 series of microprocessors and a custom chipset with graphics and sound capabilities, and had a pre-emptive multitasking operating system called AmigaOS. While especially the Amiga 500 was quite successful in Europe, later models had a hard time to compete versus the upcoming Apple Macintosh and the IBM PC and its compatibles.

After Commodore's demise 1994 Escom continued the Amiga series in 1995 and 1996, after Escom's demise production of the last model, the Amiga 4000T, was continued by QuikPak into 1998. Holders of trademarks, patents and copyright changed over the years. The PowerPC based AmigaOS 4[2] and the AmigaOS 3.2[3]branch for the original 68k series are currently under development by Hyperion Entertainment.

Amiga Engines

Amiga GUIs

  • AmyBoard, a XBoard 3.3 port to the AmigaOS with MUI graphics tool kit.

See also

Forum Posts

External Links







Hyperion Entertainment

Apollo Computers

OS & Firmware

Chess Programs


Starring the Computer - The Rachel Papers (1989) » Battle Chess


  1. Commodore Amiga 1000 personal computer with 1081 RGB monitor. (1985). Original photo by Kaiiv, September 17, 2008, Editing by Pixel8, Wikimedia Commons, Amiga from Wikipedia
  2. AmigaOS 4 from Wikipedia
  3. AmigaOS 3.2 from Wikipedia

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