TR 440
TR 440, (TR440, TR-440, Telefunken-Rechner 440),
a West-German general purpose 48-bit mainframe computer developed from 1964 until 1971 by Telefunken as successor of the TR-4, later manufactured by AEG Telefunken and Computer Gesellschaft Konstanz. The development team was headed by Eike Jessen [2]. The TR 440 introduced paging, multiple modes of operation, multiprocessing (two or three processors), vastly extended memory, satellite configurations (TR 86) and included innovative system software [3], as the time-sharing operating system BS3 [4] [5].
A first TR 440 was shipped in 1969 to the Darmstadt German computing center. In total, 45 TR 440 computers were manufactured, many delivered to German universities during the early 70s [6], such as Ruhr University Bochum [7] , University of Düsseldorf, RWTH Aachen, University of Munich and Technical University of Munich via Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities [8] , University of Würzburg, University of Hamburg [9], Technical University of Berlin, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Tübingen, University of Stuttgart, University of Konstanz, Saarland University [10] , Kaiserslautern University of Technology [11] , University of Marburg [12] , Clausthal University of Technology and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht [13].
Block Diagram
TR 440 block diagram [14]
The TR 440 central processor (Zentraler Rechner), dubbed RD 441 [15], had four units (Werke), the instruction unit (Befehlswerk), accumulator based ALU (Rechenwerk), memory unit (Speicherwerk) and I/O-unit (Ein- Ausgabewerk) with 4 fast (used for data storage, drum memory ) and 12 standard I/O-channels (tapes, satellite computer), all four units connected by a priority unit (Vorrangwerk). The TR-4 compatible architecture used a word size of 52 bits, consisting of 48 data bits, 2 type bits (00 - floating point, 38 bit normalized mantissa, 01 - integer/fixed point (Ones' complement), 10 - opcode 2x24 bit, 11 - 8 six bit text characters) and 2 bit checksum (Dreierprobe). Instructions operate on words, half- and double words and bytes of 4, 6, 7 or 12 bits, as well as random word areas inside a register or memory.
The TR 440 was build from small-scale integration (SSI) monolithic integrated circuits of about 10 transistors and modules of 16 K core memory. Its speed was about 800,000 instructions per second. Beside standard peripherals, teletypewriter and CRT monitor, the TR 440 already had a ball-based mouse as pointing device dubbed Rollkugel.
Chess Programs
- Daja by Siegfried Jahn and Ludwig Zagler, Technical University of Munich, 1974
- Elsa by Ludwig Zagler, Technical University of Munich, 1977
- Schach MV 5,6 by Helmut Richter, University of Hamburg, 1971 [19]
See also
- Friedrich v. Sydow, Gunter Stadie, et al. (1970). TR440 System Overview. Internet Archive (German)
- Eike Jessen, Dieter Michel, Hans-Jürgen Siegert, Heinz Voigt (2010). The AEG-Telefunken TR 440 Computer: Company and Large-Scale Computer Strategy. IEEE Annals, Vol. 32, No. 3
- Eike Jessen, Dieter Michel, Hans-Jürgen Siegert, Heinz Voigt (2010). Structure, Technology, and Development of the AEG-Telefunken TR 440 Computer. IEEE Annals, Vol. 32, No. 3
- Hans-Jürgen Siegert (2010). The German TR 440 Computer: Software and Its Development. IEEE Annals, Vol. 32, No. 3
External Links
TR 440
- TR 440 from (German)
- Aeg-Telefunken :: TR440 :: N31.B0.04E TR-440 Intro Mar71 : Free Download & Streaming, Internet Archive
- Index of /pdf/aeg-telefunken/tr440 from
- Virtuelles Computermuseum by Hartwig Becker with TR 440 text and images (German)
- TR 440 images
- TR 440 kernspeicher (core memory)
Computerwoche on TR 440
- Politische Aufträge für deutsche Großrechner, October 03, 1975, Computerwoche (German)
- Nach Unidata-Ende: TR 440 statt Iris 80: Deutsches Geld für deutschen Rechner, October 10, 1975, Computerwoche
- Computerschach: Mini besiegt Maxi, October 17, 1975, Computerwoche » First GI Computer Chess Tournament
- Leibniz-Rechenzentrum braucht 39fache TR-440-Leistung: Polit-Gerangel um 30-Millionen-Jumbo, October 31, 1975, Computerwoche
- PL1-Compiler für TR 440, January 09, 1976, Computerwoche
- TR 440 - Rechnerverbund, June 04, 1976, Computerwoche
- Amdahl 470 V6 für Oberpfaffenhofen, October 08, 1976, Computerwoche » Amdahl 470v/6
- STARG-Tagung in Konstanz:: Erfahrungsaustausch der TR-440-Benutzer, October 06, 1978, Computerwoche
- Umstellungshilfe mit BMFT-Förderung:: Ausmusterung der TR440 erleichtert, March 12, 1982, Computerwoche
- DV-OIdies: Antiquität oder leistungsgerechtes System, August 29, 1986, Computerwoche
- Heimatlose Sammlung bald unter einem neuen Dach: Computermuseum Schleswig-Holstein geht an die FH Kiel, July 06, 1990, Computerwoche
- Prof. Eike Jessen, TU München - Die wichtigsten deutschen IT-Persönlichkeiten: Die Hall of Fame der IT, August 21, 2014, Computerwoche
- ↑ Bilder aus 60 Jahren UdS: Aus den Siebzigern (Teil 2) (German)
- ↑ Eike Jessen - Leistungen - (German)
- ↑ Eike Jessen, Dieter Michel, Hans-Jürgen Siegert, Heinz Voigt (2010). Structure, Technology, and Development of the AEG-Telefunken TR 440 Computer. IEEE Annals, Vol. 32, No. 3
- ↑ Teilnehmer-Betriebssystem BS-3 (pdf), TELEFUNKEN COMPUTER GmbH (German)
- ↑ Joachim Backes (1977). TR440 und BS3 Operateur Schulung. Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum der Universität Kaiserslautern, pdf
- ↑ TR 440 from (German)
- ↑ 40 Jahre Rechenzentrum Ruhr Universität Bochum - RUBbits Mai 2006 (pdf)
- ↑ Leibniz-Rechenzentrum 1974 by Gerd R. Sapper (German)
- ↑ Geschichte des RRZ < Über uns < RRZ < Universität Hamburg (German)
- ↑ Bilder aus 60 Jahren UdS: Aus den Siebzigern (Teil 2) (German)
- ↑ HRZ Uni Marburg: Chronik - Zeittafel (German)
- ↑ TR 440 from (German)
- ↑ TR 440 Große Befehlsliste - Instruction Set List (pdf) Blockschaltbild - block diagram p. 25
- ↑ TR 440 - Eigenschaften des RD 441 (pdf)
- ↑ SIG-100 video terminal and mouse from The Computer History Museum, © Telefunken
- ↑ Telefunken Rollkugel ~, © Computerschausammlung, FH Kiel
- ↑ Auf den Spuren der deutschen Computermaus | c't, April 28, 2009 (German)
- ↑ started on a TR-4, the TR 440 worked end of 1971, see Geschichte des RRZ < Über uns < RRZ < Universität Hamburg (German)