Who's Who
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Who's Who [1] concerning the ICGA Investigations in 2011.
The Secretariat Members
- Robert Hyatt (author of Crafty and Cray Blitz, World Computer Chess Champion in 1983 and 1986)
- Mark Lefler (author of Now)
- Harvey Williamson (part of HIARCS Team)
Panel Members
- Albert Silver (software designer for Chess Assistant (1999-2002); currently editor of Chessbase News (2010-present)) [3]
- Amir Ban (author of Junior: World Champion 2002, 2004, 2006, World microcomputer Champion 1997, 2001)
- Charles Roberson (author of NoonianChess)
- Christophe Théron (author of Chess Tiger)
- Dariusz Czechowski (author of Darmenios)
- Don Dailey (author of Cilkchess, Star Socrates, Rex, Komodo)
- Eric Hallsworth (part of HIARCS Team, Publisher of Selective Search magazine)
- Fabien Letouzey (author of Fruit)
- Frederic Friedel (Chessbase.com) [4]
- Gerd Isenberg (author of IsiChess)
- Gyula Horváth (author of Pandix, Brainstorm)
- Ingo Bauer (Shredder team)
- Jan Krabbenbos (Tournament Director of Leiden tournaments)
- Kai Himstedt (author of GridChess and Cluster Toga)
- Ken Thompson (author of Belle, World Computer Chess Champion 1980, Turing Award 1983)
- Marcel van Kervinck (author of Rookie)
- Maciej Szmit (assistant professor at Technical University of Łódź )
- Mark Watkins (MAGMA Computer Algebra Group, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney)
- Mark Uniacke (HIARCS, World Microcomputer Champion 1993)
- Mincho Georgiev (author of Pawny)
- Olivier Deville (Tournament Director of ChessWar)
- Omid David (author of Falcon)
- Peter Skinner (Tournament Director of CCT)
- Ralf Schäfer (author of Spike)
- Richard Vida (author of Critter)
- Richard Pijl (author of The Baron)
- Stefan Meyer-Kahlen (author of Shredder, multiple world champions in 1996-2010)
- Thomas Mayer (author of Quark)
- Tord Romstad (author of Stockfish, Glaurung)
- Tom Pronk (Prochess, Much)
- Vladan Vučković (Axon, Achilles)
- Wylie Garvin (game Programmer at Ubisoft Montreal)
- Yngvi Björnsson (The Turk)
- Zach Wegner (author of ZCT and Rondo, which derived from Zappa, world champion in 2005, before Zach began working on it)
ICGA Board
as of June 28, 2011 [5]
- President - David N.L. Levy
- Vice-President: Yngvi Björnsson
- Secretary-Treasurer: Hiroyuki Iida
- Programmers Representative: Rémi Coulom
WCCC Tournament Director
External Links
- ↑ Who's Who (UK) from Wikipedia
- ↑ Panel members are registered members of the ICGA Investigations Wiki, agreeing to abide by The Charter, were not necessarily involved in active investigation or discussions
- ↑ Re: Rybka disqualified and banned from World Computer Chess by Albert Silver, CCC, June 29, 2011
- ↑ Re: Rybka disqualified and banned from World Computer Chess by Albert Silver, CCC, June 29, 2011
- ↑ The Board of the ICGA