Ivan Bratko
Ivan Bratko,
a Slovenian computer scientist and researcher in artificial intelligence and computer chess,
professor at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science University of Ljubljana. Until 2002, professor Bratko also directed the AI group at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. In 1982, as a visiting scientist at the University of Edinburgh, Ivan Bratko and Danny Kopec designed the Bratko-Kopec Test [2] [3]
Research Interests
Quote from Ivan Bratko's Homepage [4]:
Professor Bratko has conducted research in machine learning, knowledge-based systems, qualitative modeling, intelligent robotics, heuristic programming and computer chess. His main interests in machine learning have been in learning from noisy data, combining learning and qualitative reasoning, constructive induction, Inductive Logic Programming and various applications of machine learning, including medicine and control of dynamic systems.
Chess Endgames
Quote by Maarten van Emden in I remember Donald Michie [5]:
In 1980 I spent another summer in Edinburgh as a guest of Donald Michie. Since the low point of 1975, thanks to assiduous and inventive joint pursuit of funding possibilities by Donald and Jean, the Machine Intelligence Research Unit was alive with work focused on chess endgames. There were students, including Tim Niblett and Alen Shapiro. Danny Kopec was there, perhaps formally as a student, but de facto as the resident chess consultant. Ivan Bratko visited frequently. Alen was the administrator of the dream computing environment of that time: a small PDP-11 running Unix.
AI as Sport
Quote by John McCarthy from AI as Sport [6][7]:
Besides AI work aimed at tournament play, particular aspects of the game have illuminated the intellectual mechanisms involved. Barbara Liskov demonstrated that what chess books teach about how to win certain endgames is not a program but more like a predicate comparing two positions to see if one is an improvement on the other. Such qualitative comparisons are an important feature of human intelligence and are needed for AI. Donald Michie, Ivan Bratko, Alen Shapiro, David Wilkins, and others have also used chess as a Drosophila to study intelligence. Newborn ignores this work, because it is not oriented to tournament play.
In 1979/80, as visiting researcher at University of Edinburgh, Ivan Bratko worked with Zdenek Zdrahal and Alen Shapiro on Pattern Recognition applied to Chess. In fact they used Bitboards, called cellular 8x8 arrays, to implement their Cellular logic processing emulator for chess (CLESS) [8] . CLESS used three kinds of instructions to recognize simple and more complex chess patterns:
- bitwise boolean operations without any interactions between squares
- shifts as expand instructions
- fill-like propagation instructions, internally using the first two kinds of instructions and conditions in loops
Selected Publications
1978 ...
- Ivan Bratko (1978). Proving Correctness of Strategies in the AL1 Assertional Language. Information Processing Letters, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 223-230. [11]
- Ivan Bratko, Danny Kopec, Donald Michie (1978). Pattern-Based Representation of Chess Endgame Knowledge. The Computer Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 149-153. pdf
- Donald Michie, Ivan Bratko (1978). Advice Table Representations of Chess End-Game Knowledge. Proceedings 3rd AISB/GI Conference, pp. 194-200.
- Ivan Bratko (1979). Implementing Search Heuristics using the AL1 Advice-Taking System. Proc. Sixth Int. Joint Conf. on Art. Intell., pp. 95-97. [12]
- Ivan Bratko, Tim Niblett (1979). Conjectures and Refutations in a Framework for Chess Endgames. in Expert Systems in the Micro-Electronic Age (Donald Michie, ed.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
1980 ...
- Ivan Bratko, Donald Michie (1980). An Advice Program For a Complex Chess Programming Task. Computer Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 350-353.
- Ivan Bratko, Donald Michie (1980). A Representation of Pattern-Knowledge in Chess Endgames. Advances in Computer Chess 2
- Zdenek Zdráhal, Ivan Bratko, Alen Shapiro (1981). Recognition of Complex Patterns Using Cellular Arrays. The Computer Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 263-270
- Ivan Bratko (1982). Knowledge-Based Problem-Solving in AL3. Machine Intelligence 10 (eds. Jean Hayes Michie, Donald Michie and Y.H. Pao), pp. 73-100. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, UK. ISBN 0-85312-431-0.
- Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Gams (1982). Error Analysis of the Minimax Principle. Advances in Computer Chess 3
- Ivan Bratko, Danny Kopec (1982). A Test for Comparison of Human and Computer Performance in Chess. Advances in Computer Chess 3
- Danny Kopec, Ivan Bratko (1982). The Bratko-Kopec experiment: a comparison of human and computer performance in chess. Advances in Computer Chess 3
- Danny Kopec, Enrique Irazoqui, Ivan Bratko (1983). The Updated Bratko-Kopec Test. Computer Chess Digest Annual pp. 45-63
- Ivan Bratko (1984). Advice and Planning in Chess Endgames. Artificial and Human Thinking (eds. S. Amarel, A. Elithorn and R. Banerji). North-Holland.
- Ivan Bratko, Peter Tancig, Simona Tancig (1984). Detection of Positional Patterns in Chess. ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2 (abridged version)
- Ivan Bratko, Peter Tancig, Simona Tancig (1984,1986). Detection of Positional Patterns in Chess. Advances in Computer Chess 4 (full paper)
1985 ...
- Ivan Bratko (1985). Symbolic Derivation of Chess Patterns. Progress in Artificial Intelligence (eds. L. Steels and J.A. Campbell), pp. 281-290. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, UK.
- Ivan Bratko (1986, 1990). Game Playing. Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 2nd Edition 1990. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA. ISBN 0-201-41606-9..
- Ivan Bratko, Igor Kononenko (1986). Learning Rules from Incomplete and Noisy Data. Proceedings Unicom Seminar on the Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Statistics. Technical Press
- Donald Michie, Ivan Bratko (1987). Ideas on Knowledge Synthesis Stemming from the KBBKN Endgame. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1
- Donald Michie, Ivan Bratko (1987). Ideas on Knowledge Synthesis ..... a Correction. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2
- Tim Niblett, Ivan Bratko (1987). Learning decision rules in noisy domains, in Research and Development in Expert Systems III (Max Bramer, ed.), pp. 25-34, Cambridge University Press.
1990 ...
- Donald Michie, Ivan Bratko (1991). Comments to `Chunking for Experience' . ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1
1995 ...
- Ivan Bratko, Stephen Muggleton (1995). Applications of Inductive Logic Programming. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, No. 11, pdf
- Ryszard Michalski, Ivan Bratko, Miroslav Kubat (eds.) (1998). Machine Learning and Data Mining: Methods and Applications. John Wiley & Sons
- Miroslav Kubat, Ivan Bratko, Ryszard Michalski (1998). A Review of Machine Learning Methods. pdf
2000 ...
- Ivan Bratko (2001, 2010). Prolog programming for artificial intelligence. Harlow England, Addison Wesley
- Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Ivan Bratko (2003). A Program for Playing Tarok, ICGA Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3
- Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko, Igor Kononenko (2003). Search versus Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Minimax on KRK. Advances in Computer Games 10, pdf
- Ivan Bratko, Martin Možina (2004). Argumentation and machine learning. Deliverable 2.1 for the ASPIC project
2005 ...
- Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Ivan Bratko (2005). Why Minimax Works: An Alternative Explanation. IJCAI 2005, pdf
- Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko, Igor Kononenko (2005). Bias and pathology in minimax search. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 349, 2, pdf
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2006). Computer Analysis of World Chess Champions. ICGA Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2, pdf [13][14]
- Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Ivan Bratko (2006). Is Real-Valued Minimax Pathological? Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 170, pdf
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2006). Computer Analysis of Chess Champions. CG 2006
- Aleksander Sadikov, Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Jana Krivec, Ivan Bratko (2006). Automated Chess Tutor. CG 2006
- Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2006). Search Versus Knowledge Revisited Again. CG 2006
- Martin Možina, Jure Žabkar, Ivan Bratko (2007). Argument Based Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 171, Nos. 10-15, pdf preprint
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2007). Factors affecting diminishing returns for searching deeper. CGW 2007 » Crafty, Rybka, Shredder, Diminishing Returns
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2007). Factors affecting diminishing returns for searching deeper. ICGA Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, pdf
- Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2007). Solving 20x20 Puzzles. CGW 2007
- Matej Guid, Aritz Pérez, Ivan Bratko (2007). How trustworthy is Crafty's analysis of world chess champions? CGW 2007 » Crafty
- Matej Guid, Aritz Pérez, Ivan Bratko (2008). How trustworthy is Crafty's analysis of world chess champions? ICGA Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3, pdf
- Matej Guid, Martin Možina, Jana Krivec, Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2008). Learning Positional Features for Annotating Chess Games: A Case Study. CG 2008, pdf
- Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Jana Krivec, Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2008). Fighting Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck with Argument Based Machine Learning. 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008), Patras, Greece. pdf
- Jana Krivec, Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2009). Identification and Characteristic Descriptions of Procedural Chunks. ComputationWorld conference: Cognitive 2009. pdf
2010 ...
- Matej Guid, Martin Možina, Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2010). Deriving Concepts and Strategies from Chess Tablebases. Advances in Computer Games 12, pdf
- Dana S. Nau, Mitja Luštrek, Austin Parker, Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Gams (2010). When is it better not to look ahead?. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 174, No. 16–17, preprint as pdf
- Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Jana Krivec, Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2010). Learning to Explain with ABML. ExaCt 2010, pdf
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2011). Using Heuristic-Search Based Engines for Estimating Human Skill at Chess. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2
- Mitja Luštrek, Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Gams (2011). Independent-valued minimax : Pathological or beneficial? Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 422, pdf
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2012). Detecting Fortresses in Chess. Elektrotehniški vestnik, Vol. 79, Nos. 1-2, pdf » Rybka, Houdini [15]
- Stephen Muggleton, Luc De Raedt, David Poole, Ivan Bratko, Peter A. Flach, Katsumi Inoue, Ashwin Srinivasan (2012). ILP turns 20 - Biography and future challenges. Machine Learning, Vol. 86, No. 1
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2013). Search-Based Estimation of Problem Difficulty for Humans. AIED 2013, pdf
- Matej Guid, Martin Možina, Ciril Bohak, Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2013). Building an Intelligent Tutoring System for Chess Endgames. CSEDU 2013
2015 ...
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2017). Influence of Search Depth on Position Evaluation. Advances in Computer Games 15
External Links
- Ivan Bratko from Wikipedia
- Ivan Bratko
- Ivan Bratko's Homepage
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Ivan Bratko
- ↑ Ivan Bratko's Homepage
- ↑ The Kopec Chess Services
- ↑ Sanny: Some test positions for you, [[Computer Chess Forums|rec.games.chess.misc], August 18, 2008
- ↑ Ivan Bratko's Homepage
- ↑ I remember Donald Michie (1923 – 2007) « A Programmers Place by Maarten van Emden, June 12, 2009
- ↑ John McCarthy (1997). AI as Sport. Science, Vol. 276, June 6, pp. 1518-1519.
- ↑ AI as Sport by John McCarthy
- ↑ Zdenek Zdráhal, Ivan Bratko, Alen Shapiro (1981). Recognition of Complex Patterns Using Cellular Arrays. The Computer Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 263-270
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ dblp: Ivan Bratko
- ↑ Donald Michie (1976). AL1: a package for generating strategies from tables. ACM SIGART Bulletin, Issue 59
- ↑ Donald Michie (1976). AL1: a package for generating strategies from tables. ACM SIGART Bulletin, Issue 59
- ↑ Computers choose: who was the strongest player?, ChessBase News, October 30, 2006
- ↑ Computer analysis of world champions by Søren Riis, ChessBase News, November 02, 2006
- ↑ Re: Tony's positional test suite by Louis Zulli, CCC, August 01, 2017