CG 2006
Home * Conferences * Computer and Games 2006

University of Turin [1]
The Fifth International Conference on Computers and Games was held in the Aula Magna, the Conference Hall of the University of Turin, Turin, Italy, May 29-31, 2006, in conjunction with the 11th Computer Olympiad , the 14th World Computer Chess Championship, and the human FIDE 37th Chess Olympiad.
- Computers and Games [2]
- 5th International Conference, CG 2006
- Turin, Italy, May 29-31, 2006
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4630, 2007
- Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
- ISBN 978-3-540-75537-1
- Matej Guid, Ivan Bratko (2006). Computer Analysis of Chess Champions. CG 2006
- Aleksander Sadikov, Martin Možina, Matej Guid, Jana Krivec, Ivan Bratko (2006). Automated Chess Tutor. CG 2006
- Ken Chen, Peigang Zhang (2006). A New Heuristic Search Algorithm for Capturing Problems in Go. CG 2006
- Xiaozhen Niu, Martin Müller (2006). An Open Boundary Safety-of-Territory Solver for the Game of Go. CG 2006
- Jahn-Takeshi Saito, Guillaume Chaslot, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2006). Monte-Carlo Proof-Number Search for Computer Go. CG 2006
- Tristan Cazenave (2006). Virtual Global Search: Application to 9×9 Go. CG 2006
- Rémi Coulom (2006). Efficient Selectivity and Backup Operators in Monte-Carlo Tree Search. CG 2006
- John Tromp, Gunnar Farnebäck (2006). Combinatorics of Go. CG 2006
- Bo-Nian Chen, Pangfeng Liu, Shun-Chin Hsu, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2006). Abstracting Knowledge from Annotated Chinese-Chess Game Records. CG 2006
- Ryan Hayward, Broderick Arneson, Philip Henderson (2006). Automatic Strategy Verification for Hex. CG 2006, pdf
- Nathan Sturtevant, Adam White (2006). Feature Construction for Reinforcement Learning in Hearts. CG 2006, pdf, slides as pdf [4]
- Sebastian Kupferschmid, Malte Helmert (2006). A Skat Player Based on Monte-Carlo Simulation. CG 2006 [5]
- James Glenn, Haw-ren Fang, Clyde Kruskal (2006). A Retrograde Approximation Algorithm for One-Player Can’t Stop. CG 2006, pdf [6]
- Jakub Pawlewicz, Łukasz Lew (2006). Improving Depth-First PN-Search: 1 + ε Trick. CG 2006, pdf
- Aleksander Sadikov, Ivan Bratko (2006). Search Versus Knowledge Revisited Again. CG 2006
- Alessandro Cincotti (2006). Counting the Number of Three-Player Partizan Cold Games. CG 2006
- Greg Aloupis, Jean Cardinal, Sébastien Collette, Stefan Langerman (2006). LUMINES Strategies. CG 2006 [7]
- Peter Bro Miltersen, Troels Bjerre Sørensen (2006). Computing Proper Equilibria of Zero-Sum Games. CG 2006
- Cherif R. S. Andraos, Manal M. Zaky, Salma A. Ghoneim (2006). Comparative Study of Approximate Strategies for Playing Sum Games Based on Subgame Types. CG 2006
- Sébastien Collette, Jean-François Raskin, Frédéric Servais (2006). On the Symbolic Computation of the Hardest Configurations of the RUSH HOUR Game. CG 2006
- Shunsaku Kato, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yusuke Nishimura, Yasuo Okabe (2006). Cheat-Proof Serverless Network Games. CG 2006
- Will Leckie, Michael Greenspan (2006). Monte-Carlo Methods in Pool Strategy Game Trees. CG 2006
- Jean-Pierre Dussault, Jean-François Landry (2006). Optimization of a Billiard Player – Tactical Play. CG 2006
- Lizette de Wet, Theo McDonald (2006). Gender and Cultural Differences (If Any!): South African School Children and Computer Games. CG 2006
Smalltalk during a break between lectures [8]
- Matej Guid (2006). The 5th Computer and Games Conference. ICGA Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2
External Links
- ↑ Rectorate Palace of the University of Turin, image by Unitomaster, March 08, 2007, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons, University of Turin from Wikipedia
- ↑ Computers and Games, Books at sale at ICGA
- ↑ Computers and Games - Springer
- ↑ Hearts from Wikipedia
- ↑ Skat (card game) from Wikipedia
- ↑ Can't Stop (board game) from Wikipedia
- ↑ Lumines from Wikipedia
- ↑ Computer Olympiad in Torino, Italy, Photo gallery by Hiroshi Yamashita