Austin Parker

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Home * People * Austin Parker

Austin Parker [1]

Austin Parker,
an American computer scientist, Ph.D. in 2008 from University of Maryland, College Park under Dana S. Nau and V.S. Subrahmanian [2]. His research interests include computational decision making and knowledge representation, in particularly probabilistic spatial temporal knowledge. Along with Dana S. Nau et al., he further worked and published on search pathology and how to avoid it [3]. As game programmer, he is author of the KriegSpiel bot Kbott, which played the 11th Computer Olympiad, KriegSpiel 2006 in Turin.

Selected Publications


2005 ...

2010 ...

External Links


  1. Austin Parker with Siver Medal at the 11th Computer Olympiad, KriegSpiel, Image clipped from ICGA Olympiad 2006 Photos
  2. Dana Nau's Students
  3. Brandon Wilson, Austin Parker, Dana S. Nau (2009). Error Minimizing Minimax: Avoiding Search Pathology in Game Trees. pdf
  4. dblp: Austin Parker

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