Aegon 1997

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Home * Tournaments * Aegon Tournaments * Aegon 1997

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The 12th Aegon Man-Machine tournament took place from April 16 to 18, and 21 to 23, 1997, at Aegon Headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands.Winner with a 100% score was Yona Kosashvili, followed by Yasser Seirawan and Johan van Mil with 5½/6 each.Best programs were Kallisto and Rebel [2] with 4½.

Final Standing

Man vs Computer: 148½ - 151½ [3]

# Name C 1 2 3 4 5 6 P SOS SoDOS
1 Yona Kosashvili 54w1 13b1 31w1 11b1 5w1 22w1 6 23 23
2 Yasser Seirawan 74b1 15w1 14b½ 43w1 4w1 13b1 21½ 19½
3 Johan van Mil [4] 94b1 62w1 34b1 12w½ 29b1 14w1 19 17
4 Kallisto 1 92w1 6w1 17b½ 20w1 2b0 27b1 23 15½
5 Rebel [5] 2 68w1 50b1 30w½ 16b1 1b0 21w1 23 15¼
6 Ye Rongguang 67w1 4b0 23w1 46b1 11w½ 55b1 21 14½
7 John van der Wiel 36b1 70w1 43b½ 59w1 9b½ 19w½ 20½ 14¾
8 Lembitt Oll 61w1 45b1 11w0 66b½ 34w1 44b1 19 13¾
9 Chessmaster 5000 3 77w½ 63b½ 91w1 50b1 7w½ 18b1 17½ 13
10 Gert Jan de Boer 96w1 35b½ 51w½ 15b½ 52w1 45b1 17½ 12¼
11 Zugzwang 4 79b1 21w1 8b1 1w0 6b½ 24w½ 4 25 14¾
12 Nimzo 5 49w½ 25b1 32w1 3b½ 21w0 47b1 4 24 15¼
13 Dragon 6 38b1 1w0 93b1 28b1 16w1 2w0 4 24 12½
14 Cilkchess 7 78w1 27b1 2w½ 42b1 18w½ 3b0 4 23½ 13¼
15 Zarkov 8 81w1 2b0 47w1 10w½ 32b½ 48b1 4 21½ 12
16 Gennadi Timoshchenko 52b1 37w1 44b1 5w0 13b0 46w1 4 21 12½
17 Friso Nijboer 58w1 33b1 4w½ 45b0 66w1 35b½ 4 20 13
18 Erik Hoeksema 56w1 44b½ 33w1 74b1 14b½ 9w0 4 20 12
19 The King 9 57w1 53b½ 42b0 65w1 30w1 7b½ 4 19½ 12¾
20 Jonathan Speelman 66w½ 86b1 69w1 4b0 31w1 33b½ 4 18½ 11
21 Rini Kuijf 100w1 11b0 60w1 62w1 12b1 5b0 4 18½ 10
22 Chessica 10 75b½ 64w½ 97b1 38w1 42w1 1b0 4 18
23 Gandalf 11 42w0 79w1 6b0 77b1 75w1 39w1 4 17
24 Larry Christiansen 82b½ 98w1 62b0 37w1 43b1 11b½ 4 16 10½
25 David Bronstein 72b1 12w0 46b0 96w1 54w1 67b1 4 16 9
26 HIARCS 12 63w0 77b½ 27w½ 64w1 76b1 42b1 4 15½ 10¼
27 Heiner Matthias 40b1 14w0 26b½ 41w1 51b1 4w0 22½ 12
28 Roberto Cifuentes 46b1 43w0 52b1 13w0 70b1 29w½ 19 10¼
29 DarkThought 13 91w½ 48b½ 77w1 30b1 3w0 28b½ 19
30 Sofia Polgar 85b1 84w1 5b½ 29w0 19b0 62w1 18½
31 MChess Pro 14 95b1 89w1 1b0 49w½ 20b0 65w1 18½ 7
32 Peng Zhaoqin 98b½ 82w1 12b0 40w1 15w½ 58b½ 17½
33 Arthur 15 83w1 17w0 18b0 81w1 93b1 20w½ 17½
34 TASC R30 16 90b½ 75w1 3w0 89b1 8b0 64w1 17½
35 Fritz 17 65b½ 10w½ 89b½ 48w½ 90b1 17w½ 17
36 Ant 18 7w0 81b1 71w½ 47b½ 63w½ 78w1 16½ 8
37 WChess 19 87w1 16b0 49w½ 24b0 91w1 75b1 16½ 7
38 Paul Boersma 13w0 96b1 67w1 22b0 74w1 56b½ 16½ 7
39 Nico Kuijf 44w0 100b½ 54w1 69b1 45w1 23b0 16
40 Rajah 20 27w0 78b1 76w½ 32b0 87w1 63b1 15½
41 Capture 21 64b0 90w½ 80b1 27b0 89w1 49b1 14
42 Gert Ligterink 23b1 51b1 19w1 14w0 22b0 26w0 3 23 11
43 Virtual Chess 22 99w1 28b1 [6] 7w½ 2b0 24w0 53b½ 3 21½
44 Chess Genius 23 39b1 18w½ 16w0 53b½ 78b1 8w0 3 21 9
45 IsiChess 24 76b1 8w0 64b1 17w1 39b0 10w0 3 21
46 Saitek Spark 25 28w0 83b1 25w1 6w0 68b1 16b0 3 20½
47 Hans Ree 86b½ 55w1 15b0 36w½ 59b1 12w0 3 19½
48 Hebert Perez Garcia 60b1 29w½ 74b0 35b½ 61w1 15w0 3 19
49 Jeroen Noomen 12b½ 69w1 37b½ 31b½ 58w½ 41w0 3 19 9
50 Stefan Löffler 73b1 5w0 72b1 9w0 55b0 74w1 3 19 7
51 Ferret 26 80b1 42w0 10b½ 63b1 27w0 71b½ 3 18 8
52 Mephisto Atlanta 27 16w0 92b1 28w0 71b1 10b0 89w1 3 17½
53 Rob Hartoch 69b0 19w½ 84b1 44w½ 62b½ 43w½ 3 17
54 Chess System Tal 28 1b0 99w1 39b0 92w1 25b0 99w1 3 17
55 Mephisto Genius 29 97b½ 47b0 68w½ 83b1 50w1 6w0 3 16
56 Hector 30 18b0 80w1 65b0 90w½ 83b1 38w½ 3 15½
57 Jan Joost Lindner 19b0 74w0 85b½ 60b½ 98w1 66b1 3 14½ 6
58 Mephisto Berlin Pro 31 17b0 93w½ 95b½ 97w1 49b½ 32w½ 3 14½
59 TASC R40 32 89b0 65w1 90b1 7b0 47w0 91b1 3 14½
60 Novag Diamond 33 48w0 91b½ 21b0 57w½ 92b1 90w1 3 14½
61 Schach 3.0 34 8b0 76w½ 79b½ 99w1 48b0 93w1 3 14
62 Now 35 71w1 3b0 24w1 21b0 53w½ 30b0 22½ 8
63 Peewee van Voorthuijsen 26b1 9w½ 70b½ 51w0 36b½ 40w0 21
64 Gerrit Visser 41w1 22b½ 45w0 26b0 85w1 34b0 20
65 Gert Jan Ludden 35w½ 59b0 56w1 19b0 73w1 31b0 19½
66 Diep 36 20b½ 97w½ 88b1 8w½ 17b0 57w0 18½
67 MacChess Aegon'97 37 6b0 95w1 38b0 76b½ 80w1 25w0 17½
68 Dick van Geet 5b0 72w0 55b½ 94w1 46w0 82b1 16½ 5
69 Shredder 38 53w1 49b0 20b0 39w0 99b1 76w½ 16½ 5
70 Comet 39 93w1 7b0 63w½ 75b½ 28w0 79b½ 16
71 Paul Bierenbroodspot 62b0 94w½ 36b½ 52w0 96b1 51w½ 14½ 5
72 Mephisto Milano 40 25w0 68b1 50w0 78b0 97b1 88w½ 14½
73 Zzzzzz 41 50w0 87b1 75w0 88w1 65b0 92b½ 13
74 Cheiron 42 2w0 57b1 48w1 18w0 38b0 50b0 2 22 6
75 Jeroen Blokhuis 22w½ 34b0 73b1 70w½ 23b0 37w0 2 20
76 Henk Arnoldus 45w0 61b½ 40b½ 67w½ 26w0 69b½ 2 18½
77 Mathias Feist 9b½ 26w½ 29b0 23w0 84w0 100b1 2 18½
78 Lex Jongsma 14b0 40w0 82b1 72w1 44w0 36b0 2 18½
79 Piet Bakker 11w0 23b0 61w½ 98b½ 86w½ 70w½ 2 16½
80 Ad van den Berg 51w0 56b0 41w0 86b1 67b0 84w1 2 16 4
81 Martin Voorn 15b0 36w0 86w1 33b0 82b0 98w1 2 16 3
82 Centaur 43 24w½ 32b0 78w0 95b½ 81w1 68w0 2 15½
83 Maliangkay/Oranje 33b0 46w0 94b1 55w0 56w0 96b1 2 15
84 Dappet 44 88w1 30b0 53w0 87w0 77b1 80b0 2 14½ 4
85 Mirage 45 30w0 88b½ 57w½ 91b½ 64b0 95w½ 2 14 4
86 Nightmare 46 47w½ 20w0 81b0 80w0 79b½ 97w1 2 14
87 Fre Hoogendoorn 37b0 73w0 96w0 84b1 40b0 94w1 2 14
88 Tom Fürstenberg 84b0 85w½ 66w0 73b0 100w1 72b½ 2 12
89 Frank de Hoog 59w1 31b0 35w½ 34w0 41b0 52b0 20
90 Henk de Kleijnen 34w½ 41b½ 59w0 56b½ 35w0 60b0 19½ 5
91 Nico Vromans 29b½ 60w½ 9b0 85w½ 37b0 59w0 19½
92 Alex Kure 4b0 52w0 98b1 54b0 60w0 73w½ 17
93 Rudy Bloemhard 70b0 58b½ 13w0 100b1 33w0 61b0 16½ 2
94 Novag Sapphire 47 3w0 71b½ 83w0 68b0 95w1 87b0 16
95 Max Pam 31w0 67b0 58w½ 82w½ 94b0 85b½ 14½
96 XXXX II 48 10b0 38w0 87b1 25b0 71w0 83w0 1 18½ 2
97 Peter van Wermeskerken 55w½ 66b½ 22w0 58b0 72w0 86b0 1 17
98 Goldbar 49 32w½ 24b0 92w0 79w½ 57b0 81b0 1 16
99 Gunther Loewenthal 43b0 54b0 100w1 61b0 69w0 54b0 1 15 ½
100 Bionic 50 21b0 39w½ 99b0 93w0 88b0 77w0 ½ 14

Photos & Games

Photos by Thorsten Czub [7] , games from the CSVN site [8]

Opening Ceremony

On April 16, 1997, Viswanathan Anand and Jan Timman played a clock simultan versus two times six programs, 1½ hours for the whole game plus 30 seconds for each move [9] :

Genius 5 Kallisto The King HIARCS Rebel Fritz 4
Viswanathan Anand w0 w1 w1 b1 4/6
Jan Timman b0 b0 b0 w1 2/6
2 1 1 1 1 0
Jan Timman vs Rebel by Ed Schröder Viswanathan Anand vs HIARCS by Mark Uniacke [10]
[Event "AEGON Chess Tournament, clock simultan"]
[Site "The Hague NED, opening ceremony"]
[Date "1997.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Rebel 9.0"]
[Black "Jan Timman"]
[Result "1-0"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Bc5 6.c3 b5 7.Bb3 d6
8.d4 Bb6 9.dxe5 Nxe5 10.Nxe5 dxe5 11.Qxd8+ Kxd8 12.Bxf7 Ke7 13.Bb3
Bb7 14.Bg5 Rhf8 15.Nd2 h6 16.Bh4 g5 17.Bg3 Rad8 18.Rad1 Rd7 19.Bxe5
Ng4 20.Bg3 Ne3 21.fxe3 Bxe3+ 22.Bf2 1-0
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[Event "AEGON Chess Tournament, clock simultan"]
[Site "The Hague NED, opening ceremony"]
[Date "1997.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Hiarcs 5"]
[Black "Viswanathan Anand"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be2 Bg7 7.O-O O-O 8.Nb3 Nc6
9.Bg5 Be6 10.Qd2 a6 11.Rad1 b5 12.f3 Nd7 13.Nd5 Re8 14.c4 bxc4 15.Bxc4 a5
16.Be3 a4 17.Nd4 Nxd4 18.Bxd4 Bxd4 19.Qxd4 Rb8 20.f4 Nb6 21.Bb5 Rf8 22.Nb4 Bd7
23.Bc6 Nc8 24.Bxd7 Qxd7 25.Nd5 Qd8 26.Rc1 Nb6 27.Nb4 Rb7 28.f5 Nc8 29.Nd5 Nb6
30.Nc3 Qa8 31.f6 Qd8 32.Rcd1 Qc7 33.fxe7 Qxe7 34.Rf3 Qe5 35.Qxd6 Qxd6 36.Rxd6 Nc4
37.Rd4 Nxb2 38.Nxa4 Nxa4 39.Rxa4 Rc8 40.g4 Kg7 41.Rf2 Rc5 42.h3 h5 43.Kg2 hxg4
44.hxg4 Rc3 45.Rf3 Rc2+ 46.Kg3 Re7 47.Kf4 Rb2 48.Ra5 Re2 49.Re3 Rf2+ 50.Kg3 Rb2
51.g5 Rc7 52.Kf4 Rf2+ 53.Kg4 Rg2+ 54.Rg3 Rf2 55.a3 Rc4 56.Re3 Rc1 57.Rf3 Rg1+
58.Kf4 Rfg2 59.Ra7 Rxg5 60.Ke3 R5g3 61.Rxf7+ Kh6 62.Rxg3 Rxg3+ 63.Rf3 Rg1
64.e5 g5 65.Ke4 g4 66.Rf4 Kg5 67.Rf5+ Kg6 68.Rf8 Kg7 69.Rf4 Kg6 70.a4 g3
71.Rg4+ Kf7 72.Kf3 Ke6 73.Re4 Kf7 74.e6+ Ke7 75.Kg4 g2 76.Kf3 Rf1+
77.Kxg2 Rf6 1/2-1/2
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Woman vs.Machines


Peng Zhaoqin facing Rajah by Valavan Manohararajah

[Event "12th AEGON Man-Mach"]
[Site "The Hague NED"]
[Date "1997.04.21"]
[Round "04"]
[White "Peng Zhaoqin"]
[Black "RAJAH"]
[Result "1-0"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bg5 Nbd7 5.e3 Be7 6.cxd5 Nxd5 7.Bxe7 Qxe7
8.Bd3 Nxc3 9.bxc3 O-O 10.Qh5 g6 11.Qh6 Nf6 12.Nf3 Qa3 13.O-O Qxc3
14.Rfd1 b6 15.Ng5 Qb2 16.h3 Rb8 17.Rab1 Qc3 18.Rb3 Qc6 19.e4 1-0

Sofia Polgar vs.DarkThought operated by Markus Gille,
Yona Kosashvili and Karsten Bauermeister watching

[Event "12th AEGON Man-Mach"]
[Site "The Hague NED"]
[Date "1997.04.21"]
[Round "04"]
[White "Sofia Polgar"]
[Black "DarkThought"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.c4 c6 2.b3 Nf6 3.Bb2 e6 4.Nf3 d5 5.e3 Bb4 6.a3 Be7 7.Qc2 O-O 8.Nc3 Re8
9.d4 Nbd7 10.Be2 Nf8 11.O-O Ng6 12.Rfe1 Bd6 13.e4 dxe4 14.Nxe4 Nf4
15.Bf1 Nxe4 16.Qxe4 Bc7 17.Rad1 Bd7 18.g3 Nh5 19.Ne5 Nf6 20.Qc2 Re7
21.Bg2 Rc8 22.Ba1 Kh8 23.Qb2 Be8 24.f4 Ba5 25.Rf1 Qd6 26.Kh1 Bc7 27.g4 Rb8
28.g5 Nh5 29.Qe2 f6 30.b4 a5 31.Bc3 Qd8 32.gxf6 gxf6 33.d5 exd5 34.cxd5 Rg7
35.Ng4 axb4 36.axb4 Bd7 37.dxc6 bxc6 38.f5 Qf8 39.Bf3 c5 40.Qb2 Rb6
41.Rg1 cxb4 42.Bd4 Bc6 43.Bxc6 Rxc6 44.Qg2 Rc4 45.Qa2 b3 46.Qa1 Rc2
47.Rd3 Qe8 48.Qd1 Qe4+ 0-1
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Zugzwang Team


Ye Rongguang vs.Zugzwang operated by Rainer Feldmann

[Event "12th AEGON Man-Mach"]
[Site "The Hague NED"]
[Date "1997.04.22"]
[Round "05"]
[White "Ye Rongguang"]
[Black "ZUGZWANG"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]

1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 6.e3 a5 7.Nge2 Nf6 8.a3 O-O
9.Rb1 Bg4 10.b4 axb4 11.axb4 e4 12.dxe4 Ne5 13.h3 Be6 14.f4 Nxc4 15.O-O Re8
16.Nd4 c6 17.Qd3 d5 18.e5 Nd7 19.g4 Qb6 20.Kh1 Rad8 21.Nxe6 fxe6 22.h4 Ra8
23.g5 Qc7 24.Bh3 Ndb6 25.Qc2 Qe7 26.Qb3 h5 27.Ne2 Qc7 28.Nd4 Qf7 29.Re1 Bf8
30.Nf3 Ra4 31.Qc3 Ra2 32.e4 Bg7 33.exd5 cxd5 34.Ra1 Rxa1 35.Qxa1 Bf8
36.Qb1 Nd7 37.Nd4 Nb8 38.Bf1 Nc6 39.Nxc6 bxc6 40.Bd3 Kh7 41.Bxc4 dxc4
42.Rd1 Qb7 43.Qe4 c3 44.Rd4 Rb8 45.Kh2 c5 46.Qxb7+ Rxb7 47.bxc5 Bxc5
48.Rc4 Rc7 49.Kg2 Bb6 50.Rb4 Rc6 51.Kf1 c2 52.Ke2 Ba5 53.Rb5 Bc7 54.Rb7 Kg8
55.Ra7 Bb6 56.Rd7 Bc7 57.Kd3 Ba5 58.Ke2 Bc7 59.Rd3 Kf8 60.Ra3 Bb6
61.Ra8+ Kg7 62.Ra2 Kf7 63.Ra1 Bc5 64.Ra4 Bg1 65.Ra3 Rc7 66.Rf3 Bd4
67.Kd2 Bb6 68.Ke2 Ba5 69.Ra3 Bb4 70.Rb3 Bc3 71.Ra3 Kf8 72.Ra2 Bd4
73.Ra4 Ba7 74.Ra6 Kf7 75.Rd6 Bc5 76.Rd8 Rc6 77.Rd7+ Kf8 78.Rd3 Be7
79.Rb3 Bd8 80.Rb8 Ke7 81.Rb7+ Kf8 82.Ra7 Be7 83.Kd3 Bc5 84.Ra8+ Kf7
85.Ke2 Kg7 86.Ra4 Bg1 87.Ra3 Rc8 88.Rg3 Bd4 89.Rd3 Bc3 90.Rd7+ Kf8
91.Rd6 Ke7 92.Ra6 Rc7 93.Ra8 Bd4 94.Ra4 Bb6 95.Rb4 Rc6 96.Rb3 Kd7
97.Ra3 Rc5 98.Rd3+ Ke7 99.Rd6 Ba5 100.Ra6 Kf7 101.Ra7+ Bc7 102.Kd3 Rc6
103.Ra2 Bb6 104.Ra6 Ke7 105.Ke2 Kd8 106.Ra8+ Rc8 1/2-1/2

Heiner Matthias vs.Ferret operated by Bruce Moreland

[Event "12th AEGON Man-Mach"]
[Site "The Hague NED"]
[Date "1997.04.22"]
[Round "05"]
[White "FERRET"]
[Black "Heiner Matthias"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Nc3 e6 6.a4 Qc7 7.Bd3 Nf6
8.O-O Be7 9.Qf3 O-O 10.Qg3 Re8 11.Bh6 Bf8 12.a5 Nc6 13.Nxc6 bxc6
14.Bg5 Nd7 15.Rfd1 Rb8 16.b3 Ne5 17.Be2 c5 18.Bf4 Bb7 19.Bxe5 dxe5
20.Bc4 Rbd8 21.f3 g6 22.Qf2 Rxd1+ 23.Nxd1 Be7 24.Nb2 Kg7 25.Qe2 Qc6
26.Nd3 Bd6 27.Rd1 Bc7 28.Qf2 Rd8 29.Ra1 Bd6 30.Kh1 Qc7 31.Qe3 Be7
32.c3 Rd7 33.Kg1 Rd8 34.Ra2 Rc8 35.Kh1 Rd8 36.Ra1 h6 37.Kg1 Rc8
38.Kh1 Rd8 39.Qe2 Ra8 40.Nb2 Qc6 41.Bd3 Bd6 42.Nc4 Bc7 43.Kg1 Rd8
44.Rd1 Rb8 45.Qe3 Rd8 46.Qe2 Rb8 47.Qe3 Ba8 48.Bc2 Bb7 49.Rb1 Rd8
50.Kh1 Rc8 51.b4 cxb4 52.Rxb4 Bd8 53.Bd3 Ba8 54.Rb1 Bc7 55.Qa7 Rd8
56.Be2 h5 57.Bf1 h4 58.Kg1 g5 59.Qe3 Kh6 60.Kh1 f6 61.Kg1 Kg6
62.Re1 Rb8 63.Ra1 Rb5 64.Qe2 Rc5 65.Qd3 Bb7 66.Rb1 Bc8 67.Kh1 Bb7
68.Rb2 Rb5 69.Rxb5 Qxb5 70.Nb6 Qxd3 71.Bxd3 Kf7 72.Bc2 Bxb6 73.axb6
Ke7 74.Kg1 Kd6 75.Kf2 Kc6 76.Ba4+ Kxb6 77.Bd7 a5 78.Bxe6 Ba6 79.g3
hxg3+ 80.hxg3 Kc5 81.Ke3 Bc4 82.Bh3 a4 83.Kd2 a3 84.Kc2 Be2 85.Kb3
Bxf3 86.Bf5 a2 87.Kxa2 Kc4 88.Kb2 Kd3 89.Bd7 Bxe4 90.Kb3 Bd5+
91.Kb4 e4 92.Bb5+ Kd2 93.c4 Be6 94.c5 0-1

Rebel 9.0 beats the GM Gennadi Timoshchenco
[Event "AEGON Chess Tournament"]
[Site "The Hague NED"]
[Date "1997.04.21"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Gennadi Timoshchenco"]
[Black "Rebel 9.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[WhiteElo "2515"]
[WhiteCountry "SVK"]

1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 c5 3. dxc5 e6 4. e3 Bxc5 5. a3 Nf6 6. c4 O-O 7. b4 Bb6 8.
Bb2 a5 9. b5 Nbd7 10. Nbd2 Nc5 11. Qc2 Bd7 12. Be2 Rc8 13. O-O Ne8 14. a4
Nd6 15. Qc3 f6 16. Qa3 Qe7 17. cxd5 exd5 18. Bd4 Rc7 19. Rac1 Rfc8 20. Rc3
Nf5 21. Rfc1 Nxa4 22. Qxe7 Nxe7 23. Rxc7 Rxc7 24. Ra1 Bxd4 25. Nxd4 Nc3 26.
Bd3 b6 27. Kf1 g6 28. Ke1 Nf5 29. Bxf5 Bxf5 30. Nxf5 gxf5 31. Nf1 Nxb5 32.
Rb1 Rc5 33. Ng3 f4 34. Nh5 fxe3 35. fxe3 Kf7 36. Nf4 a4 37. Nd3 Rc3 38. Rxb5
Rxd3 39. Rxb6 Rxe3+ 40. Kf2 Rd3 41. Rb7+ Kg6 42. Ke2 Rb3 43. Rd7 Rb2+ 44.
Kf3 Rb5 45. Ra7 Rb3+ 46. Kf4 a3 47. Ra5 d4 48. Ra4 d3 49. Ke3 h5 50. g3 Kf5
51. Ra6 Kg5 52. Ra4 f5 53. h4+ Kf6 54. Ra6+ Ke5 55. Ra5+ Ke6 56. Kd2 Kf6 57.
Ke3 d2+ 58. Kxd2 Rxg3 59. Ra6+ Ke5 60. Ra5+ Ke4 61. Ra4+ Kd5 62. Ra5+ Kc4
63. Kc2 Rf3 64. Ra8 Rc3+ 65. Kb1 f4 66. Rh8 f3 67. Rxh5 Kd3 68. Rf5 Ke2 69.
h5 f2 0-1

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