Ingo Althöfer

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Home * People * Ingo Althöfer

Ingo Althöfer [1]

Ingo Althöfer,
a German mathematician, computer scientist, game researcher, game inventor, and full professor at Faculy for Mathematics and Computer Science [2], Friedrich Schiller University of Jena [3].

Ingo Althöfer's professional as well as private research interests cover a broad range of AI-issues, search algorithms, evaluation, creating and inventing new, interesting games such as EinStein würfelt nicht! [4] [5] , and triple-brain (3-Hirn) (two- or k-best mode, where an arbiter instance choses from the best moves provided by one or more chess-programs) [6] [7]. 3-Hirn has become a "brand name" for books, games and software, distributed by Ingo's small publishing company 3-Hirn-Verlag. Along with his former student Timo Klaustermeyer, he introduced the concept of freestyle chess within a Blitz tournament in August 2004 [8] [9].


Chess960CWC 2005

Altenhoeffer Ingo CCM5 Foto Eric van Reem 100 1617.JPG

Chess960CWC 2005: Peter Svidler, Arbiter Ingo Althöfer and Roland Pfister [10]

Tilburg 2011


Ingo Althöfer and Richard J. Lorentz playing EinStein würfelt nicht! at the 16th Computer Olympiad, 2011 [11]

3-Hirn's Motto

By Christian Posthoff and Günter Reinemann 1987 [12] [13] : Nicht
Der Mensch kann, aber die Maschine nicht...
Der Mensch kann nicht, aber die Maschine kann...
Der Mensch kann, aber Mensch und Maschine zusammen können (viel mehr).

Humans can, but machine can not...
Humans cannot, but machine can...
Humans can, but humans and machine together can (much more).

Selected Publications

[14] [15] [16]

1985 ...

1990 ...

1995 ...

2000 ...

2005 ...

2010 ...





2015 ...



2020 ...

Forum Posts

External Links

Pictorial Reports

Pictorial Reports and Games by Ingo Althöfer

Chrilly Donninger, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, Frank Schneider and Eiko Bleicher et al.


  1. Ingo Althöfer Homepage
  2. Fakultaet fuer Mathematik und Informatik
  3. Prof. Dr. Ingo Althöfer - Chair Operations Research
  4. EinStein würfelt nicht von Ingo Althöfer, Copyright 2004
  5. A challenge to Theo van der Storm! by Ingo Althöfer, CCC, March 04, 2005
  6. K-Best Visualisations
  7. A diary on 3-Hirn chess by Ingo Althöfer, rgcc, December 27, 1996
  8. Ingo Althöfer (2018). Computer-Aided Game Play and Computer Cheating: Examples from Chess, Shogi, and Go. Extended Abstract as pdf
  9. Freestyle Blitz Tournaments on January 15 and 22, 2005 by Ingo Althöfer and Timo Klaustermeyer
  10. Zahlenmeister - Die Chess Classic Mainz 2005 aus der Sicht eines Taschenrechners (German), Photo courtesy Eric van Reem
  11. Photo by Gerd Isenberg. November 23, 2011
  12. Jörg Sameith (2002). Entscheidungs-Unterstützung im Multiple-Choice-Modus - Realisierung eine k-Best-Algorithmus für das Spiel "Connections". Diplomarbeit
  13. Christian Posthoff, Günter Reinemann, Computerschach - Schachcomputer, Berlin: Akademie-Verl., (1987), ISBN-13: 978-3055002281 available from
  14. ICGA Reference Database
  15. Prof. Dr. Ingo Althöfer - Selected Publications
  16. dblp: Ingo Althöfer
  17. Rudolf Ahlswede PhD Theses
  18. Re: Zappa Report by Ingo Althöfer, CCC, December 30, 2005
  19. Ingo Althöfer - 13 Jahre 3-Hirn at WCCC 1999, Photographer Gerhard Hund
  20. K-Best Visualisations
  21. Cameron Browne (2008). Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Recombination Games, Doctoral Dissertation, Queensland University of Technology, pdf
  22. The Shodan Go Bet
  23. Spiele, Zahlen, Rätsel by Karsten Müller,, October 20, 2014 (German)
  24. Franz-Josef Dickhut from Wikipedia, Rémi Coulom
  25. codecentric go challenge 2014: Interviews with Franz-Josef Dickhut and Rémi Coulom - codecentric Blog by Raymond Georg Snatzke , October 1, 2014
  26. codecentric go challenge 2014: Final Interviews - codecentric Blog by Raymond Georg Snatzke, November 27, 2014
  27. John Forbes Nash, Jr. from Wikipedia
  28. A Beautiful Mind (film) from Wikipedia
  29. Rodrigo Vásquez Schroder - Wikipedia
  30. John Nunn (2013). Discoveries in R+2P vs. R+P Endings. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3

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