Bernhard Balkenhol
Home * People * Bernhard Balkenhol
Bernhard Balkenhol,
a German mathematician, computer scientist and authorized officer and CEO in the IT industry [2]. Until 2014, he served as visiting lecturer at Bielefeld University, where he already received a diplom in 1992, and a Ph.D. degree in 1995 under supervision of Rudolf Ahlswede and Ingo Althöfer.
His research interests include search algorithms and data compression. Based on Jürg Nievergelt's idea of asking a sequence of yes-no-questions [3], Balkenhol elaborated on compression in encoding typical chess positions with less than 136 bits, as published in the ICCA Journal [4].
Selected Publications
1990 ...
- Ingo Althöfer, Bernhard Balkenhol (1991). A Game Tree with Distinct Leaf Values which is Easy for the Alpha-Beta Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 2
- Bernhard Balkenhol (1992). k-reguläre Minimax-Bäume mit distinkten Blattwerten, die unabhängig von ihrer Sortierung leicht für den Alpha-Beta-Algorithmus sind. Diplom thesis, Bielefeld University, zipped ps (German)
- Bernhard Balkenhol (1994). Data Compression in Encoding Chess Positions. ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, zipped ps
- Bernhard Balkenhol (1995). Datenkompression mit deterministischen Experten und Systeme teilweise unabhängiger Zufallsvariablen. Ph.D. thesis, Bielefeld University, advisors Rudolf Ahlswede and Ingo Althöfer (German)
- Bernhard Balkenhol (1996). Problems in Sequential and Parallel Game Tree Search. Bielefeld University, zipped ps
2000 ...
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Bernhard Balkenhol, Ning Cai (2002). Parallel Error Correcting Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, No. 4
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Bernhard Balkenhol, Christian Deppe, Martin Fröhlich (2006). A Fast Suffix-Sorting Algorithm. GTIT-C 2006
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Bernhard Balkenhol, Christian Kleinewächter (2006). Identification for Sources. GTIT-C 2006
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Bernhard Balkenhol, Christian Deppe, Haik Mashurian, T. Partner (2008). T-shift synchronization codes. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 156, No. 9
External Links
- Dr. Bernhard Balkenhol - Homepage
- Bernhard Balkenhol | LinkedIn
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Bernhard Balkenhol
- ↑ Dr. Bernhard Balkenhol - Homepage
- ↑ Bernhard Balkenhol | LinkedIn
- ↑ Jürg Nievergelt (1977). Information content of chess positions. ACM SIGART Newsletter, Vol. 62
- ↑ Bernhard Balkenhol (1994). Data Compression in Encoding Chess Positions. ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, zipped ps
- ↑ dblp: Bernhard Balkenhol
- ↑ Dr. Bernhard Balkenhol - Publications