Bernhard Balkenhol

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Home * People * Bernhard Balkenhol

Bernhard Balkenhol [1]

Bernhard Balkenhol,
a German mathematician, computer scientist and authorized officer and CEO in the IT industry [2]. Until 2014, he served as visiting lecturer at Bielefeld University, where he already received a diplom in 1992, and a Ph.D. degree in 1995 under supervision of Rudolf Ahlswede and Ingo Althöfer. His research interests include search algorithms and data compression. Based on Jürg Nievergelt's idea of asking a sequence of yes-no-questions [3], Balkenhol elaborated on compression in encoding typical chess positions with less than 136 bits, as published in the ICCA Journal [4].

Selected Publications

[5] [6]

1990 ...

2000 ...

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