Eiko Bleicher
Eiko Bleicher,
a German computer scientist, programmer, and author of the analysis tool for chess endgames, Freezer [2].
Eiko Bleicher was student of Ingo Althöfer at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, and published a paper about Freezer's ideas, called Building Chess Endgame Databases for Positions with many Pieces using A-priori Information. [3].
Eiko cooperates with Stefan Meyer-Kahlen. and is involved in co-developing Endgame Bitbases for Shredder, dubbed Shredderbases [4]. Freezer is commercial, available through shredderchess.com [5].
Eiko Bleicher, Frank Schneider, Chrilly Donninger, Karsten Müller [6]
Selected Publications
2004 ...
- Eiko Bleicher (2004). Building Chess Endgame Databases for Positions with many Pieces using A-priori Information. Lehrstuhl Mathematische Optimierung, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany, pdf
- Eiko Bleicher (2008). Endgame Databases for the Game of Chess. Workshop Chess and Mathematics, TU Dresden
2010 ...
- Eiko Bleicher, Guy Haworth (2010). 6-Man Chess and Zugzwangs. Advances in Computer Games 12
- Harold van der Heijden, Eiko Bleicher, Guy McCrossan Haworth (2010). Endgame table testing of studies, I. EG, Vol. 16, No. 180
- Harold van der Heijden, Eiko Bleicher, Guy McCrossan Haworth (2010). Endgame table testing of studies, II. EG, Vol. 16, No. 181
- Eiko Bleicher, Guy Haworth, Harold van der Heijden (2010). Data-Mining Chess Databases. ICGA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4
- Guy Haworth, Eiko Bleicher, Harold van der Heijden (2011). Uniqueness in Chess Studies. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 1
- Guy Haworth, Harold van der Heijden, Eiko Bleicher (2011). Zugzwangs in Chess Studies. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2
- Guy Haworth, Eiko Bleicher, Harold van der Heijden (2013). The data-mining of Studies Database HHdbIV. EG, Vol. 19, pp. 27-30
Forum Posts
- Re: Freezer vs. Wilhelm by Eiko Bleicher, CCC, May 18, 2005 » Wilhelm
- Re: Freezer Endgame Tool by Eiko Bleicher, CCC, October 11, 2005
External Links
- Welcome at Knowledge4IT
- Welcome to the World of Freezer
- Shredder Computer Chess Download - Freezer Endgame Analysis Tool
- ↑ Eiko Bleicher, clip from Ingo Althöfer's Workshop 2008 Photo
- ↑ Welcome to the World of Freezer
- ↑ Eiko Bleicher (2004). Building Chess Endgame Databases for Positions with many Pieces using A-priori Information. Lehrstuhl Mathematische Optimierung, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany, pdf
- ↑ Shredderbases
- ↑ Shredder Computer Chess Download - Freezer Endgame Analysis Tool
- ↑ Photo by Ingo Althöfer, Workshop Jena 2008: Analysis, Design, and Programming of Games
- ↑ dblp: Eiko Bleicher