Jens Lieberum
Jens Lieberum,
a German topologist, chess player, and as Amazons programmer author of Amazong,
two times Gold medal winner of the Computer Olympiad 2002 and 2003.
Jens Lieberum received his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1998 in the field of Knot theory on the topic of Vassiliev invariants [2] at Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, under supervision of Christian Kassel.
He further researched and published in that field of Knot invariants and Knot polynomial on Quantum invariant,
Quasi-bialgebra and Lie superalgebra,
HOMFLY polynomial, Kauffman polynomial [3] and Alexander polynomial [4],
and the Skein relation, publications categorized by arXiv under Quantum algebra.
Selected Publications
1997 ...
- Jens Lieberum (1997). Chromatic weight systems and the corresponding knot invariants. arXiv:q-alg/9701013
- Jens Lieberum (1997). On Vassiliev Invariants not Coming from Semisimple Lie Algebras. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol. 8, No. 5, arXiv:q-alg/9706005
- Jens Lieberum (1998). Invariants de Vassiliev pour les entrelacs dans S³ et dans les variétés de dimension trois. Ph.D. thesis, Louis Pasteur University, advisor Christian Kassel
- Jens Lieberum (1998, 2000). The number of independent Vassiliev invariants in the Homfly and Kauffman polynomials. arXiv:math/9806064, Documenta Mathematica, Vol. 5
- Jens Lieberum (1999). Skein modules of links in cylinders over surfaces. arXiv:math/9911174
2000 ...
- Jens Lieberum (2000). The LMO-invariant of 3-manifolds of rank one and the Alexander polynomial. arXiv:math/0002040
- Jens Lieberum (2001). Universal Vassiliev invariants of links in coverings of 3-manifolds. arXiv:math/0105019
- Jens Lieberum (2002). The Drinfeld associator of gl(1|1). arXiv:math/0204346 [6]
- Ingo Althöfer, Jens Lieberum, Johan de Koning, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, Thomas Rolle, Jörg Sameith (2003). Five visualizations of the k-best mode. ICGA Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3 [7]
- Jens Lieberum (2003). An Evaluation Function for the Game of Amazons. Advances in Computer Games 10
- Jens Lieberum (2005). An evaluation function for the game of amazons. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 349, No. 2
External Links
- Jens Lieberum's ICGA Tournaments
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Jens Lieberum
- Lieberum, Jens, Dr. FIDE Chess Profile
- Jens Lieberum chess games -