Dap Hartmann

Lambertus (Dap) Hartmann,
a Dutch astronomer, publicist, computer chess programmer, and associate professor at Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship, Delft University of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in astronomy from Leiden University in 1994 on the distribution of atomic hydrogen in the Milky Way [2], and after scientific research in that field at Harvard University, the University of Bonn, and the Max Planck Institute, he made the transition to innovation management and the valorization of new technologies, and teaches at TU Delft. Along with Peter Kouwenhoven, Dap Hartmann is co-author of the chess program Dappet. In the computer chess world, he is known as eponym of the Butterfly Boards and inventor of the related Butterfly Heuristic [3] (even if he denied implementation [4]), and his interesting articles and reviews in the ICCA Journal.
Dap Hartmann talking with Ed Schröder 1986 [5]
Selected Publications
1986 ...
- Dap Hartmann (1986). Computer Analysis of Grandmaster Games. Report, Leiden Observatory
- Dap Hartmann (1987). How to Extract Relevant Knowledge from Grandmaster Games. Part 1: Grandmasters have Insights - the Problem is what to Incorporate into Practical Problems. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1
- Dap Hartmann (1987). How to Extract Relevant Knowledge from Grandmaster Games. Part 2: the Notion of Mobility, and the Work of De Groot and Slater. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2
- Dap Hartmann (1987). R. Bartel, H.J. Kraas and G. Schrüfer: Das grosse Computerschach-Buch. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Review) [8]
- Dap Hartmann (1987). Peter van Diepen and Jaap van den Herik: Schaken voor Computers. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Review)
- Dap Hartmann (1987). Reiner Seidel: Grundlagen einer wissenschaftlichen Schachtheorie. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Review)
- Dap Hartmann (1988). Rejoinder to Seidel's Reply. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1 [9]
- Dap Hartmann (1988). Christian Posthoff and Günter Reinemann: Computerschach - Schachcomputer. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Review) [10]
- Dap Hartmann (1988). Butterfly Boards. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, Nos. 2/3 » Butterfly Boards
- Dap Hartmann (1988). Alen D. Shapiro: Structured Induction in Expert Systems. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4
- Dap Hartmann (1988). Report on the 8th Dutch National Computer-Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4 » DOCCC 1988
- Dap Hartmann (1989). Notions of Evaluation Functions Tested against Grandmaster Games. » Advances in Computer Chess 5
- Dap Hartmann (1989). The 1989 CSVN-AEGON Tournament. ICCA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3 » Aegon 1989
- Dap Hartmann, Peter Kouwenhoven (1989). The 9th Dutch Computer-Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4 » DOCCC 1989
1990 ...
- Dap Hartmann (1990). A Decennium of Computer Chess in The Netherlands. ICCA Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4 » DOCCC 1990
- Dap Hartmann (1991). Twenty-Twenty Tournament Visions: Aegon 1991. ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4 » Aegon 1991
- Dap Hartmann, Peter Kouwenhoven (1991). Sundry Computer Chess Topics. Advances in Computer Chess 6
- Dap Hartmann (1992). Superb Bronstein eats Computers for Breakfast. ICCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2 » Aegon 1992, David Bronstein
- Dap Hartmann (1994). The Leiden/Dwingeloo survey of galactic neutral hydrogen. Ph.D. thesis, Leiden University [11] [12]
1995 ...
- Dap Hartmann, William Butler Burton (1997, 2012). Atlas of Galactic Neutral Hydrogen. Cambridge University Press
- Dap Hartmann (1999). A Transference of Bones. ICCA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3
- Dap Hartmann (1999). Hands Off Hans! ICCA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4
2000 ...
- Dap Hartmann (2000). The Importance of being Scalable. ICGA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, Review on Ernst A. Heinz, Scalable Search in Computer Chess [13]
- Dap Hartmann (2000). Championship on the FRITZ. ICGA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2
- Dap Hartmann (2001). Multigame - an Environment for Distributed Game Tree Research. ICCA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Review) [14]
- Dap Hartmann (2001). Advances in Computer Games 9. ICGA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4 (Review) » Advances in Computer Games 9
- Thomas M. Dame, Dap Hartmann, Patrick Thaddeus (2001). The Milky Way in Molecular Clouds: A New Complete CO Survey. The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 547, No. 2, doi:10.1086/318388
- Dap Hartmann (2002). Computers and Games. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Review) » CG 2000
2005 ...
- Dap Hartmann (2005). The True Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence. ICGA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1
- Dap Hartmann (2006). Finally, History Repeats Itself Correctly. ICGA Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2
- Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann, Patrick van der Duin, Roland Ortt (2006). Innovating the innovation process. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 34, Nos. 3/4
- Maaike C. Kroon, Dap Hartmann, Guus Berkhout (2008). Toward a Sustainable Chemical Industry: Cyclic Innovation Applied to Ionic Liquid-Based Technology. I & EC Research, Vol. 47, No. 22
- Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann (2008). The Future of Entrepreneurship. in The Entrepreneur & the Entrepreneurship Cycle (eds. Willem Burggraaf, Roberto Flören, Joost Kunst)
- Paul Trott, Dap Hartmann (2009). Why 'Open Innovation' is old Wine in new Bottles. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 13, No. 4
- Dap Hartmann (2009). A Thesis is more than three unrelated Ideas. Review on Fritz Reul's Ph.D. Thesis [15], ICGA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2
2010 ...
- Guus Berkhout, Dap Hartmann, Paul Trott (2010). Connecting Technological Capabilities with Market Needs using a Cyclic Innovation Model. R&D Management, Vol. 40, No. 5
- Dap Hartmann (2010). Mimicking the Black Box - Genetically evolving evaluation functions and search algorithms. Review on Omid David's Ph.D. thesis [16], ICGA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1
- Dap Hartmann (2010). Human Superiority Restored. ICGA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, Review Advances in Computer Games 12
- Dap Hartmann (2010). How can Humans learn from Computers? Search and Knowledge for Human and Machine Problem Solving, Matej Guid, Ph.D. thesis, ICGA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4
- Dap Hartmann (2011). Sander Bakkes: Rapid Adaptation of Video Game AI. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Review) [17]
- Dap Hartmann (2011). Is Go the Next Human Bastion to Crumble? Review CG 2010 revisited papers, ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2
- Dap Hartmann (2011). Review: The Dark Side of the Board: Advances in Chess Kriegspiel. ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 3 [18]
- Dap Hartmann (2012). Review: Of Triskaidekaphobia and Board-Filling Games with Random-Turn Order. ICGA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2 » Advances in Computer Games 13
- Arthur Absalom, Geoffrey Absalom, Dap Hartmann (2012). A Collaborative Classification-Based Search Engine for Prior Art and Solution Search: Durham Zoo. ICSC 2012 [19]
- Dap Hartmann (2013). Ludo Ergo Sum: Does Game Playing Reveal Your Personality? ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1, Review on Giel van Lankveld (2013). Quantifying Individual Player Differences. Ph.D thesis, Tilburg University
- Dap Hartmann (2013). Optimistically Parallelizing Parallel Search Processes. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 2, Review on Kai Himstedt (2012). Optimistische verteilte Spielbaumsuche am Beispiel des Computerschachs. Dissertation
- Dap Hartmann (2013). From to αβ to ABCD and SMAB. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4 , Review on Abdallah Saffidine (2013). Solving Games and All That. Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Dap Hartmann (2014). From Monte Carlo to Scotland Yard. ICGA Journal, Vol 37, No. 1, Review on Pim Nijssen (2013). Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Multi-Player Games.
- Dap Hartmann (2014). A Statue of unremitting Devotion. Revised Selected papers CG 2013. ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Review) [20]
- Richard Absalom, Marcus Luczak-Rosch, Dap Hartmann, Aske Plaat (2014). Crowd-Sourcing Fuzzy and Faceted Classification for Concept Search. arXiv:1406.7749, CoRR, June 2014
2015 ...
- Dap Hartmann (2015). That PEGs the Question: Is it a Game? (Review) ICGA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2 [21]
- Dap Hartmann (2017). Let's Catch the Train to Monte-Carlo. ICGA Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, Review on Hendrik Baier's Ph.D. thesis
2020 ...
- Dap Hartmann (2020). Book review: MAN vs MACHINE: Challenging Human Supremacy at Chess, Karsten Müller & Jonathan Schaeffer. ICGA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, Review on Karsten Müller, Jonathan Schaeffer (2018). Man vs. Machine: Challenging Human Supremacy at Chess. Russell Enterprises
External Links
- Dap Hartmann | TU Delft Online
- Dap Hartmann | TU Delft
- dap hartmann | LinkedIn
- Dap Hartmann's ICGA Tournaments
- Biography of Dap Hartmann
- Dap Hartmann from Wikipedia.nl
- Dap-Hartmann - Delft Entrepreneurial Scientist Award 2010, YouTube Video
- ↑ dap hartmann | LinkedIn
- ↑ Dap Hartmann (1994). The Leiden/Dwingeloo survey of galactic neutral hydrogen. Ph.D. thesis, Leiden University
- ↑ Dap Hartmann (1988). Butterfly Boards. ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, Nos. 2/3
- ↑ Mark Winands, Erik van der Werf, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Uiterwijk (2006). The Relative History Heuristic. CG 2006, pdf reprint
- ↑ Computerschaak pagina 3 (Dutch) Redactie: J. ten Have and Drs. S. Kooi
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ dblp: Dap Hartmann
- ↑ Rainer Bartel, Hans-Joachim Kraas, Günther Schrüfer (1985). Das große Computerschachbuch. Data Becker
- ↑ Reiner Seidel (1988). Reply to D. Hartmann's Review of "Grundlagen einer wissenschaftlichen Schachtheorie". ICCA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1
- ↑ Christian Posthoff, Günter Reinemann (1987). Computerschach - Schachcomputer. with cooperation of Rainer Knaak, Michael Schlosser, Rainer Staudte, Rüdiger Worbs, Akademie-Verlag Berlin, booklooker
- ↑ Dwingeloo Radio Observatory from Wikipedia
- ↑ Leiden Observatory from Wikipedia
- ↑ Ernst A. Heinz (1999). Scalable Search in Computer Chess.
- ↑ John Romein (2001). Multigame - An Environment for Distributed Game-Tree Search. Ph.D. thesis
- ↑ Fritz Reul (2009). New Architectures in Computer Chess. Ph.D. thesis, pdf
- ↑ Omid David (2009). Genetic Algorithms Based Learning for Evolving Intelligent Organisms. Ph.D. thesis
- ↑ Sander Bakkes (2010). Rapid Adaptation of Video Game AI. Ph.D. thesis, Tilburg University, pdf
- ↑ Gian Piero Favini (2010). The Dark Side of the Board: Advances in Chess Kriegspiel. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Technical Report UBLCS-2010-06 as pdf
- ↑ Arthur Absalom, Geoffrey Absalom (2012). White paper - Durham Zoo: prior art and solution search. pdf
- ↑ Jaap van den Herik, Hiroyuki Iida, Aske Plaat (eds.) (2014). Computers and Games: 8th International Conference, CG 2013, Yokohama, Japan, August 13-15, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS 8427, Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3-319-09164-8
- ↑ Marieke Peeters (2014) Personalized Educational Games - Developing agent-supported scenario-based training. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht University