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Depth-First Node order [1]
Depth-First refers to node traversal algorithms of tree like data structures like search trees. Depth-first examines child nodes before siblings and can easily implemented with recursion using a stack of nodes. It therefor has moderate memory requirements, since only one path from the root to a leaf is kept in memory, which grows proportional with search depth.
Depth-Limited Search

Breadth-First Node order [2]
The depth-limited search, to make the depth-first search find a solution within the depth limit, is the most common search algorithm in computer chess, as described in minimax, alpha-beta and its enhancements. Iterative deepening is a state space search strategy in which a depth-limited search is run repeatedly, with a cumulative node order effectively breadth-first.
See also
1970 ...
- Toshihide Ibaraki (1978). Depth-m search in branch-and-bound algorithms. International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol. 7, No. 4
1980 ...
- Richard Korf (1984). The Complexity of Brute Force Search. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University [3] [4]
- Richard Korf (1985). Depth-first Iterative-Deepening: An Optimal Admissible Tree Search. pdf from CiteSeerX
- Stephen F. Wheeler (1985). A performance benchmark of the alpha-beta procedure on randomly ordered non-uniform depth-first game-trees generated by a chess program. M.Sc. thesis, East Texas State University
- Hermann Kaindl, Helmut Horacek, Marcus Wagner (1986). Selective Search versus Brute Force. ICCA Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3
1990 ...
- Steven Skiena (1990). Breadth-First and Depth-First Search. §3.2.5 in Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 95-97,
- Nageshwara Rao Vempaty, Vipin Kumar, Richard Korf (1991). Depth-First vs Best-First Search. AAAI-91, pdf
- Weixiong Zhang, Richard Korf (1993). Depth-first vs. best-first search: New results. AAAI-93
- Matthew L. Ginsberg (1993). Essentials of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 3.2 Depth-First Search
- Ayumu Nagai, Hiroshi Imai (1999). Proof for the Equivalence Between Some Best-First Algorithms and Depth-First Algorithms for AND/OR Trees. Proceedings of the Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation
2000 ...
- Ayumu Nagai, Hiroshi Imai (2002). Proof for the Equivalence Between Some Best-First Algorithms and Depth-First Algorithms for AND/OR Trees. IEICE transactions on information and systems
2010 ...
- Tomoyuki Kaneko (2010). Parallel Depth First Proof Number Search. AAAI-2010 » Parallel Search, Proof-Number Search
- Kunihito Hoki, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Akihiro Kishimoto, Takeshi Ito (2013). Parallel Dovetailing and its Application to Depth-First Proof-Number Search. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1 [5]
- Tom Everitt, Marcus Hutter (2015). Analytical Results on the BFS vs. DFS Algorithm Selection Problem. Part I: Tree Search. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pdf
- Tom Everitt, Marcus Hutter (2015). Analytical Results on the BFS vs. DFS Algorithm Selection Problem: Part II: Graph Search. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Chao Gao, Martin Müller, Ryan Hayward (2017). Focused Depth-first Proof Number Search using Convolutional Neural Networks for the Game of Hex. IJCAI 2017
External Links
- Depth-first search from Wikipedia
- Depth-limited search from Wikipedia
- Iterative deepening depth-first search from Wikipedia
- Depth-First Traversal from Wolfram MathWorld
- Boost Graph Library: Depth-First Search
- depth-first search from Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures by Paul E. Black, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Flat Earth Society & Ernst Reijseger - Down Deep, Jazz Middelheim 2012, YouTube Video
- ↑ Depth-first search from Wikipedia
- ↑ Breadth-first search from Wikipedia
- ↑ quoted by Hans Berliner, Gordon Goetsch (1985). A Study of Search Methods : The Effect of Constraint Satisfaction and Adventurousness. pdf
- ↑ Paper is mentioned by Richard Korf at Judea Pearl Symposium, 2010
- ↑ Dovetailing (computer science) from Wikipedia