Matthew L. Ginsberg

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Home * People * Matthew L. Ginsberg

Matthew L. Ginsberg [1]

Matthew L. Ginsberg,
an American computer scientist, mathematician, and computer games and Bridge programmer. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from University of Oxford in 1980 [2], and is researcher and professor at Stanford University and University of Oregon. In 1992, at the University of Oregon, Ginsberg founded The Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL) [3], and since 1998 he is CEO of On Time Systems, an advanced-technology company specializing in software for optimization of complex industrial problems [4]. His research interests include the fields of artificial intelligence and mathematical optimization with focus on constraint satisfaction and search. Matthew L. Ginsberg is a Stockfish Contributor [5] [6].

Essentials of AI

While affiliated with Stanford University in the early 90s, Matthew Ginsberg authored Essentials of Artificial Intelligence [7] offering introductory AI courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels.



Ginsberg's Intelligent Bridgeplayer GIB was the world's first expert-level bridge-playing program, performing a double-dummy partition search. GIB was World Computer-Bridge Champion in 1998 and 1999.


Matthew Ginsberg is further author of the American-style crossword puzzle solver Dr.Fill, which works by converting a crossword to a weighted constraint satisfaction problem and then attempting to maximize the probability that the fill is correct [8].

See also

Selected Publications


1985 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

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