Werner Koch

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Home * People * Werner Koch

Werner Koch, WMCCC 1993 [1]

Werner Koch,
a German software devloper and chess programmer. He is co-author of the chess program Patzer, which played two World Microcomputer Chess Championships, the WMCCC 1990 [2] and WMCCC 1991 [3], and author of the chess program BreakThrough, which participated at three World Microcomputer Chess Championships, the WMCCC 1993 in Munich, the WMCCC 1995 in Paderborn and the WMCCC 1996 in Jakarta [4], as well as various International Paderborn Computer Chess Championships.

External Links


  1. Hiarcs Fan Page by Thorsten Czub
  2. Thomas Mally (1990). The 10th World Microcomputer Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4
  3. Don Beal (1991). Report on the 11th World Microcomputer Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2
  4. Werner Koch's ICGA Tournaments

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