David McAllester

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Home * People * David McAllester

David McAllester [1]

David Allen McAllester,
an American computer scientist, Professor and Chief Academic Officer at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978, 1979, and 1987 respectively. His research interests covers machine learning theory, the theory of programming languages, automated reasoning, AI planning, computer game playing, and computational linguistics. In 1988, McAllester proposed the best-first search algorithm Conspiracy Number Search, and in 1993 along with Deniz Yuret, the depth-first Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search, republished in 2002 in the ICGA Journal [2] and mentioned by the Deep Blue team [3].

Selected Publications

[4] [5]

1985 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

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