Deniz Yuret
Deniz Yuret,
a Turkish computer scientist and Assistant Professor at Koç University, Istanbul. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1992-2000. His research interests includes machine learning and computational linguistics. At MIT he worked with David McAllester on Conspiracy Number Search, and the depth-first Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search (ABC search), which uses conspiracy theory and disjoint depths of max- and min-player to control selectivity and extensions of an alpha-beta search, also mentioned by the Deep Blue team [2]. In his paper The Principle of Pressure in Chess, Deniz Yuret introduces the best-first Pressure Search algorithm, and concerning selectivity further mentions the ACM 1993 and its winner Socrates aka Titan, and corporate experiments with the Socrates team at MIT on new algorithms [3].
Selected Publications
- David McAllester, Deniz Yuret (1993). Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search. ps (draft) » Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search
- Michael de la Maza, Deniz Yuret (1993). Dynamic Hill Climbing: Overcoming the Limitations of Optimization Techniques. The Second Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, CiteSeerX
- Deniz Yuret (1994). The Principle of Pressure in Chess. TAINN 1994
- Deniz Yuret (1994). From Genetic Algorithms To Efficient Optimization. M.Sc. thesis, Supervisor: Patrick Henry Winston
- Deniz Yuret (1998). Discovery of Linguistic Relations Using Lexical Attraction. Ph.D. thesis, Supervisor: Patrick Henry Winston, pdf via CiteSeerX
- David McAllester, Deniz Yuret (2002). Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1 » Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search
Forum Posts
- efficient algorithm for safety of pieces by Deniz Yuret, rgc, March 18, 1993 » Static Exchange Evaluation
- Re: Computer Chess: swap down evaluators vs capture search by Deniz Yuret, rgc, October 26, 1994 » Swap-off algorithm - SOMA, Quiescence Search
- move generators in computer chess by Deniz Yuret, rgcc, October 11, 1994 » Move Generation
- COMPUTER CHESS: statistics by Deniz Yuret, rgcc, October 27, 1994 » Search Statistics
External Links
- Deniz Yuret's Homepage
- Deniz Yuret - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
- Deniz Yuret - Google Scholar Citations
- ↑ Deniz Yuret - Google Scholar Citations
- ↑ Murray Campbell, Joe Hoane, Feng-hsiung Hsu (1999). Search Control Methods in Deep Blue. AAAI Technical Report SS-99-07, pdf, pdf
- ↑ Deniz Yuret (1994). The Principle of Pressure in Chess. TAINN 1994
- ↑ dblp: Deniz Yuret