David McAllester
Home * People * David McAllester
David Allen McAllester,
an American computer scientist, Professor and Chief Academic Officer at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978, 1979, and 1987 respectively. His research interests covers machine learning theory, the theory of programming languages, automated reasoning, AI planning, computer game playing, and computational linguistics. In 1988, McAllester proposed the best-first search algorithm Conspiracy Number Search, and in 1993 along with Deniz Yuret, the depth-first Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search, republished in 2002 in the ICGA Journal [2] and mentioned by the Deep Blue team [3].
Selected Publications
1985 ...
- David McAllester (1985). A New Procedure for Growing Minimax Trees. Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT
- David McAllester (1988). Conspiracy Numbers for Min-Max Search. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 35, No. 1 » Conspiracy Numbers
- Charles Elkan, David McAllester (1988). Automated Inductive Reasoning about Logic Programs. 5. ICLP / SLP
1990 ...
- David McAllester, Deniz Yuret (1993). Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search. ps (draft) » Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search
- Matthew L. Ginsberg, David McAllester (1994). GSAT and Dynamic Backtracking. KR 1994 [6] » Backtracking
- Bart Selman, Henry Kautz, David McAllester (1997). Ten Challenges in Propositional Reasoning and Search. IJCAI-97, pdf
2000 ...
- David McAllester, Robert Schapire (2000). On the Convergence Rate of Good-Turing Estimators. COLT 2000, CiteSeerX [7] [8] [9]
- David McAllester, Deniz Yuret (2002). Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1 » Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search
- Peter Stone, Robert Schapire, Michael L. Littman, János A. Csirik, David McAllester (2003). Decision-Theoretic Bidding Based on Learned Density Models in Simultaneous, Interacting Auctions. JAIR, Vol. 19, pdf
External Links
- David McAllester's Personal WWW Page
- David A. McAllester from Wikipedia
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - David McAllester
- ↑ David McAllester's Personal WWW Page
- ↑ David McAllester, Deniz Yuret (2002). Alpha-Beta Conspiracy Search. ICGA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1
- ↑ Murray Campbell, Joe Hoane, Feng-hsiung Hsu (1999). Search Control Methods in Deep Blue. AAAI Technical Report SS-99-07, pdf, pdf
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ DBLP: David A. McAllester
- ↑ WalkSAT from WIkipedia
- ↑ Good–Turing frequency estimation from Wikipedia
- ↑ Jack Good (1953). The population frequencies of species and the estimation of population parameters. Biometrika, Vol. 40, Nos. 3-4
- ↑ Jack Good (2000). Turing’s anticipation of emprical Bayes in connection with the cryptanalysis of the naval enigma. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 66, No. 2