Advances in Computer Chess 3

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The Advances in Computer Chess 3 conference was held at Imperial College, London, UK, on April 9-10, 1981. The conference was planned and organized by Mike Clarke, who especially welcomed Mikhail Botvinnik at the opening ceremony [2].


  • Advances in Computer Chess 3
M.R.B. Clarke, Editor, (October 1982)
Elsevier Science Publishing Company
ISBN-10: 0080268986
ISBN-13: 978-0080268989, amazom


  1. Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Gams (1982). Error Analysis of the Minimax Principle.
  2. Don Beal (1982). Benefits of minimax search.
  3. Kevin Coplan (1982). A Special-Purpose Machine for an Improved Search Algorithm for Deep Chess Combinations.
  4. Joe Condon, Ken Thompson (1982). Belle Chess Hardware.
  5. Ken Thompson (1982). Computer Chess Strength.
  6. Ivan Bratko, Danny Kopec (1982). A Test for Comparison of Human and Computer Performance in Chess. pdf
  7. Max Bramer (1982). Machine-Aided Refinement of Correct Strategies for the Endgame in Chess.
  8. Alen Shapiro, Tim Niblett (1982). Automatic Induction of Classification Rules for Chess End game.
  9. Thomas Nitsche (1982). A Learning Chess Program.
  10. Max Bramer, B. E. P. Alden (1982). A Program for Solving Retrograde Analysis Chess Problems.
  11. Donald Michie (1982). Information and Complexity in Chess.
  12. Hermann Kaindl (1982). Positional Long-Range Planning in Computer Chess.
  13. Mikhail Botvinnik (1982). Decision Making and Computers.


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