Turbo Chess

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Home * Engines * Turbo Chess

Turbo Gameworks [1]

Turbo Chess,
an didactic chess program by Kaare Danielsen [2], written in Turbo Pascal and published as source code in 1985 on disk along with the book Turbo GameWorks by Borland International. Borland later translated the program into C++ and used it as an example program for the for the Borland C++ compiler [3].



Board Representation


  1. PV-Move
  2. Capture of Last Moved Piece
  3. Killer Moves
  4. Remaining Captures in MVV/LVA Order
  5. Promotions
  6. Castling
  7. Quiet Moves
  8. En passant



See also


Forum Posts

Re: origin of Chess from old Turbo Pascal Turbo GameWorks by Kaare Danielsen, borland.public.delphi.non-technical, February 29, 2016

External Links

Turbo (gastropod) from Wikipedia


  1. Kaare Danielsen (1985). Turbo GameWorks. Borland International
  2. Resume for Kaare Danielsen
  3. Re: origin of Chess from old Turbo Pascal Turbo GameWorks by Kaare Danielsen, borland.public.delphi.non-technical, February 29, 2016
  4. Features are based on the description in the book
  5. The tables are calculated at the beginning of the search using the evaluation function described earlier, book pp. 69
  6. Turbo Chess - World of Spectrum

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