Mephisto Lyon

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Lyon 68020 [1]

Mephisto Lyon,
a set of dedicated chess computer modules by Hegener & Glaser for their Mephisto module systems with a program by Richard Lang, the successor of Mephisto Portorose. After Lang's sixth consecutive World Microcomputer Chess Championship title as member of the Mephisto team at the WMCCC 1990 in Lyon, the modules were released in late 1990. Notable was the draw by reputation versus runner-up Échec 1.9. Already earlier in November 1990, the Lyon had its debut at ACM 1990, becoming co-champion shared with Deep Thought. It further played the Harvard Cup 1991 with less success, and the Aegon 1991.


Improvements of the Mephisto Lyon over the Portorose were due to an enhanced selective search with narrower but deeper search trees, the application of singular extensions, and capture extensions if entering the pawn endgame. Further, Mephisto Lyon has more knowledge to distinguish strong versus weak passed pawns, and the opening book was further extended to more than 100,000 moves within 13,000 variations [2].


Three Lyon versions were shipped - with 68000 and 68020 processor, and the limited edition Mephisto Lyon Tournament machines with 68030 processor.

Processor MHz ROM (Kib) RAM (Kib)
68000 12 128 512
68020 12 128 1024
68030 TM 36 128 2048

See also


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  1. Lyon 68020 from Mephisto | Photo collection by Chewbanta
  2. Mephisto Lyon 16 / 32 bit. pdf hosted by Alain Zanchetta

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