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Home * Engines * Wing

Forces acting on a wing [1]

a WinBoard compliant chess engine by Stef Luijten written in C++, first released in October 2004. Initially influenced by Crafty [2], Wing was released as open source in December 2010 to demonstrate the basics of chess programming [3], shortly before Stef Luijten started his Winglet tutorial Writing a Chess Program in 99 Steps [4].


Board Representation

Wing is a bitboard engine and determines sliding piece attacks using rotated bitboards. The inner six bits optimization yields to four lookup tables of 64x64x8 bytes, that is 32-KiB each or 1/8 MiB in total for ranks, files, diagonals and anti-diagonals. Interestingly, this attack table layout was preserved in Winglet, when line-wise occupied states were rotated on the fly by magic multiplication and shift right.


Wing performs a negamax alpha-beta search with conditional compiled (default on) PVS inside the iterative deepening framework without aspiration windows. The recent version has a always replace transposition table using Zobrist keys, while earlier versions used an additional depth-preferred replacement table [5]. As stated by its author in 2006, Wing has gained over 100 ELO points from adding history pruning [6], while the published sources lack LMR.


Move Ordering


Backward Pawn
Doubled Pawn
Isolated Pawn
Passed Pawn
Connected Passed Pawns
Pawn Shield
King Tropism

See also

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