Christopher Lutz

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Home * People * Christopher Lutz

Christopher Lutz [1]

Christopher Lutz,
a German chess grandmaster, in 1995 and 2001 German chess champion, and as computer scientist at times affiliated with University of Hagen due to distance education [2]. He was book author and chess consultant of Hydra, and also had own experience in computer chess programming. Along with Michael Schmitt, Christopher Lutz is co-author of the chess program Paul, written in Turbo-Pascal, which played the WMCCC 1989 in Portorož [3]. The authors further received the Mephisto "Young Programmers" Scholarship of $2,500 for programmers under 19 years of age who have written the best chess program, sponsored by Hegener & Glaser [4]. Soon later, Christopher Lutz wrote a second chess program in Turbo C and Assembly, Bernie, which participated at the first IPCCC 1991 in Paderborn.



37th Chess Olympiad, Turin 2006, Germany - India 1-3 [5] [6]
Arkadij Naiditsch - Viswanathan Anand ½-½
Artur Yussupow - Krishnan Sasikiran ½-½
Christopher Lutz - Pendyala Harikrishna 0-1
Alexander Graf - Surya Shekhar Ganguly 0-1

Selected Publications

External Links


  1. Christopher Lutz at 34th Chess Olympiad, Istanbul, 2000, Photo by Adam Raoof, Christopher Lutz from Wikipedia
  2. Lars Bremer (2005). Interview: GM Christopher Lutz. CSS Online, pdf (German)
  3. Paul's ICGA Tournaments
  4. The Board of ICCA (1989). The Mephisto "Young Programmers" Scholarship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4
  5. Photo by Gerd Isenberg during WCCC 2006, also in Oval Lingotto, Turin, Italy
  6. Olympiad R6: Holland defeats Russia, Armenia in the lead from ChessBase News, May 28, 2006

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