Ira Baxter
Ira D. Baxter,
an American entrepreneur, Ph.D. in computer science from University of California, Irvine, 1990,
and CEO
of Semantic Designs [4].
He is the principal architect of Semantic Designs' Design Maintenance System (DMS) [5],
principal designer and compiler implementer of PARLANSE [6],
a parallel programming language [7],
and architect and principal engineer on CloneDR [8], an AST-based Clone Detection technology.
Software Dynamics
Involved with computing since 1966, Ira Baxter started Software Dynamics in 1976, a systems software house, where he designed compilers, time-sharing and distributed network operating systems, and the chess program SD Chess written in compiled Basic to run on a 6800 based microcomputer [9], A program called Chess D by Ira Baxter was on the Stand-By list of the WCCC 1983 in New York [10].
Selected Publications
1977 ...
- Ira Baxter (1977). Letter. in Douglas Penrod (ed.) (1977). Computer Chess Newsletter, Issue 2. p. 9, pdf from The Computer History Museum, Courtesy of Peter Jennings
- Ira Baxter (1978). Software Dynamics Chess. Personal Computing, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 91
- Chris Morgan (1978). The Second West Coast Computer Faire. BYTE, Vol. 3, No. 7 [12] » MCCT 1978, Sargon
1990 ...
- Ira Baxter (1992). Design Maintenance Systems. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 35, No. 4
- Ira Baxter, Michael Mehlich (1997). Reverse Engineering is Reverse Forward Engineering. WCRE 1997
- Ira Baxter, Christopher Pidgeon (1997). Software Change Through Design Maintenance. ICSM 1997
- Ira Baxter, Andrew Yahin, Leonardo Mendonça de Moura, Marcelo Sant'Anna, Lorraine Bier (1998). Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees. ICSM 1998
2000 ...
- Ira Baxter (2003). Massively Reengineering Architectures With Automated Tools. ICSM 2003
- Robert L. Akers, Ira Baxter, Michael Mehlich (2004). Invited application paper: re-engineering C++ components via automatic program transformation. PEPM 2004, pdf
- Robert L. Akers, Ira Baxter, Michael Mehlich, Brian J. Ellis, Kenn R. Luecke (2005). Reengineering C++ Component Models via Automatic Program Transformation. WCRE 2005
- Robert Tairas, Jeff Gray, Ira Baxter (2006). Visualization of clone detection results. ETX 2006
- Robert L. Akers, Ira Baxter, Michael Mehlich, Brian J. Ellis, Kenn R. Luecke (2007). Case study: Re-engineering C++ component models via automatic program transformation. Information & Software Technology, Vol. 49, No. 3
2010 ...
- Ira Baxter, Michael Conradt, James R. Cordy, ner Rainer Koschke (2012). Software Clone Management Towards Industrial Application. Dagstuhl Seminar 12071.
- Re: "Iterative Deeping" reference wanted by Ira Baxter, AIList Digest, December 06, 1988 » Iterative Deepening
- "Sneaky Pete" program from 1977? by Carey, CCC, October 27, 2005
External Links
- Semantic Designs People: Ira D. Baxter, Ph.D.
- Program Transformation Wiki / Ira Baxter
- Ira Baxter @ Stack Overflow
- DMS: Software Tool Infrastructure, Google Tech Talk, July 27, 2010, YouTube Video
- ↑ Image from DMS: Software Tool Infrastructure
- ↑ Semantic Designs People: Ira D. Baxter, Ph.D.
- ↑ Martin Wirsing, Rémi Ronchaud (eds.) (2004). Report on the EU/NSF Strategic Workshop on Engineering Software-Intensive Systems. May 22-23, 2004, Edinburgh, GB, pdf
- ↑ Program Transformation Wiki / Ira Baxter
- ↑ Program Transformation Wiki / DMSSoftware Reengineering Toolkit
- ↑ Semantic Designs: PARLANSE Parallel Programming Language for Windows Pentium/80x86
- ↑ multithreading - Threads in x86 assembler (using the GNU assember: as) - Stack Overflow
- ↑ Semantic Designs, Inc: Clone Doctor
- ↑ Douglas Penrod (ed.) (1977). Computer Chess Newsletter, Issue 2. p. 9
- ↑ The Fourth World Computer Chess Championship, pdf courtesy Danny Kopec
- ↑ dblp: Ira D. Baxter
- ↑ hosted by Modern Mechanix, Photo 4: Ira Baxter’s chess playing system display, which competed in the Microcomputer Chess Tournament at the Faire. The level of play was impressive, and the winning program, called SARGON, was a 16 K byte Z-80 assembler program written by a husband and wife team, Kathe and Dan Spracklen.