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==1996 ...==
==1996 ...==
* [http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.chess.computer/browse_frm/thread/f80f7b6a7ec6664f# New LCT II results] by [[Frédéric Louguet]], [[Computer Chess Forums|rgcc]], March 27, 1996
* [http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.chess.computer/browse_frm/thread/f80f7b6a7ec6664f# New LCT II results] by [[Frédéric Louguet]], [[Computer Chess Forums|rgcc]], March 27, 1996
* [https://www.stmintz.com/ccc/index.php?id=13605 LCT II results of Reb9, F5, and H6 on K6/233] by [[Albert Silver]], [[CCC]], January 03, 1998 » [[Rebel]], [[Fritz]], [[Hiarcs]]
* [https://www.stmintz.com/ccc/index.php?id=13605 LCT II results of Reb9, F5, and H6 on K6/233] by [[Albert Silver]], [[CCC]], January 03, 1998 » [[Rebel]], [[Fritz]], [[HIARCS]]
* [https://www.stmintz.com/ccc/index.php?id=16142 Chess Tiger on LCT2] by [[Christophe Théron]], [[CCC]], March 26, 1998 » [[Chess Tiger]]
* [https://www.stmintz.com/ccc/index.php?id=16142 Chess Tiger on LCT2] by [[Christophe Théron]], [[CCC]], March 26, 1998 » [[Chess Tiger]]
* [http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.chess.computer/browse_frm/thread/09a577d7c18ce478# LCT II EPD test suite -- a request for some expert analysis] by [[Dann Corbit]], [[Computer Chess Forums|rgcc]] February 15, 1999
* [http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.chess.computer/browse_frm/thread/09a577d7c18ce478# LCT II EPD test suite -- a request for some expert analysis] by [[Dann Corbit]], [[Computer Chess Forums|rgcc]] February 15, 1999

Latest revision as of 12:25, 13 December 2019

Home * Engine Testing * Test-Positions * LCT II

La Puce Echiquéenne n° 8 [1]

the Louguet Chess Test II was created by Frédéric Louguet in 1994 [2] [3] and published in the French computer chess magazine La Puce Echiquéenne n° 8 [4]. It contains 14 positional, 12 tactical and 9 endgame test-postions, 10 minutes per position.

Points per position

  • 30 points, if solution is found between 0 and 9 seconds
  • 25 points, if solution is found between 10 and 29 seconds
  • 20 points, if solution is found between 30 and 89 seconds
  • 15 points, if solution is found between 90 and 209 seconds
  • 10 points, if solution is found between 210 and 389 seconds
  • 5 points, if solution is found between 390 and 600 seconds
  • 0 points, if not found with in 10 minutes
  • Minimum = 1900
  • Maximum = 1900 + 30*35 = 2950


Grille de tests LCT II © Frédéric Louguet & la Puce Echiquéenne 1994 [5]

r3kb1r/3n1pp1/p6p/2pPp2q/Pp2N3/3B2PP/1PQ2P2/R3K2R w KQkq - bm d6; id "LCTII.POS.01"; c0 "Chernin - Miles, Tunis 1985";
1k1r3r/pp2qpp1/3b1n1p/3pNQ2/2pP1P2/2N1P3/PP4PP/1K1RR3 b - - bm Bb4; id "LCTII.POS.02"; c0 "Lilienthal - Botvinnik, Moskau 1945";
r6k/pp4p1/2p1b3/3pP3/7q/P2B3r/1PP2Q1P/2K1R1R1 w - - bm Qc5; id "LCTII.POS.03"; c0 "Boissel - Boulard, corr. 1994";
1nr5/2rbkppp/p3p3/Np6/2PRPP2/8/PKP1B1PP/3R4 b - - bm e5; id "LCTII.POS.04"; c0 "Kaplan - Kopec, USA 1975";
2r2rk1/1p1bq3/p3p2p/3pPpp1/1P1Q4/P7/2P2PPP/2R1RBK1 b - - bm Bb5; id "LCTII.POS.05"; c0 "Estrin - Pytel, Albena 1973";
3r1bk1/p4ppp/Qp2p3/8/1P1B4/Pq2P1P1/2r2P1P/R3R1K1 b - - bm e5; id "LCTII.POS.06"; c0 "Nimzowitsch - Capablanca, New York 1927";
r1b2r1k/pp2q1pp/2p2p2/2p1n2N/4P3/1PNP2QP/1PP2RP1/5RK1 w - - bm Nd1; id "LCTII.POS.07"; c0 "Tartakower - Rubinstein, Moskau 1925";
r2qrnk1/pp3ppb/3b1n1p/1Pp1p3/2P1P2N/P5P1/1B1NQPBP/R4RK1 w - - bm Bh3; id "LCTII.POS.08"; c0 "Polugaevsky - Unzicker, Kislovodsk 1972";
5nk1/Q4bpp/5p2/8/P1n1PN2/q4P2/6PP/1R4K1 w - - bm Qd4; id "LCTII.POS.09"; c0 "Boissel - Del Gobbo, corr. 1994";
r3k2r/3bbp1p/p1nppp2/5P2/1p1NP3/5NP1/PPPK3P/3R1B1R b kq - bm Bf8; id "LCTII.POS.10"; c0 "Cucka - Jansa, Brno 1960";
bn6/1q4n1/1p1p1kp1/2pPp1pp/1PP1P1P1/3N1P1P/4B1K1/2Q2N2 w - - bm h4; id "LCTII.POS.11"; c0 "Landau - Schmidt, Noordwijk 1938";
3r2k1/pp2npp1/2rqp2p/8/3PQ3/1BR3P1/PP3P1P/3R2K1 b - - bm Rb6; id "LCTII.POS.12"; c0 "Korchnoi - Karpov, Meran 1981";
1r2r1k1/4ppbp/B5p1/3P4/pp1qPB2/2n2Q1P/P4PP1/4RRK1 b - - bm Nxa2; id "LCTII.POS.13"; c0 "Barbero - Kouatly, Budapest 1987";
r2qkb1r/1b3ppp/p3pn2/1p6/1n1P4/1BN2N2/PP2QPPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - bm d5; id "LCTII.POS.14"; c0 "Spasski - Aftonomov, Leningrad 1949";
1r4k1/1q2bp2/3p2p1/2pP4/p1N4R/2P2QP1/1P3PK1/8 w - - bm Nxd6; id "LCTII.CMB.01"; c0 "Romanishin - Gdansky, Polonica Zdroj 1992";
rn3rk1/pbppq1pp/1p2pb2/4N2Q/3PN3/3B4/PPP2PPP/R3K2R w KQ - bm Qxh7+; id "LCTII.CMB.02"; c0 "Lasker,Ed - Thomas, London 1911";
4r1k1/3b1p2/5qp1/1BPpn2p/7n/r3P1N1/2Q1RPPP/1R3NK1 b - - bm Qf3; id "LCTII.CMB.03"; c0 "Andruet - Spassky, BL 1988";
2k2b1r/1pq3p1/2p1pp2/p1n1PnNp/2P2B2/2N4P/PP2QPP1/3R2K1 w - - bm exf6; id "LCTII.CMB.04"; c0 "Vanka - Jansa, Prag 1957";
2r2r2/3qbpkp/p3n1p1/2ppP3/6Q1/1P1B3R/PBP3PP/5R1K w - - bm Rxh7+; id "LCTII.CMB.05"; c0 "Boros - Szabo, Budapest 1937";
2r1k2r/2pn1pp1/1p3n1p/p3PP2/4q2B/P1P5/2Q1N1PP/R4RK1 w q - bm exf6; id "LCTII.CMB.06"; c0 "Lilienthal - Capablanca, Hastings 1934";
2rr2k1/1b3ppp/pb2p3/1p2P3/1P2BPnq/P1N3P1/1B2Q2P/R4R1K b - - bm Rxc3; id "LCTII.CMB.07"; c0 "Rotlewi - Rubinstein, Lodz 1907";
2b1r1k1/r4ppp/p7/2pNP3/4Q3/q6P/2P2PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Nf6+; id "LCTII.CMB.08"; c0 "Zarkov - Mephisto, Albuquerque 1991";
6k1/5p2/3P2p1/7n/3QPP2/7q/r2N3P/6RK b - - bm Rxd2; id "LCTII.CMB.09"; c0 "Portisch - Kasparov, Moskau 1981";
rq2rbk1/6p1/p2p2Pp/1p1Rn3/4PB2/6Q1/PPP1B3/2K3R1 w - - bm Bxh6; id "LCTII.CMB.10"; c0 "Tchoudinovskikh - Merchiev, UdSSR 1987";
rnbq2k1/p1r2p1p/1p1p1Pp1/1BpPn1N1/P7/2P5/6PP/R1B1QRK1 w - - bm Nxh7; id "LCTII.CMB.11"; c0 "Vaisser - Genius 2, Aubervilliers, 1994";
r2qrb1k/1p1b2p1/p2ppn1p/8/3NP3/1BN5/PPP3QP/1K3RR1 w - - bm e5; id "LCTII.CMB.12"; c0 "Spassky - Petrosian, Moskau 1969";
8/1p3pp1/7p/5P1P/2k3P1/8/2K2P2/8 w - - bm f6; id "LCTII.FIN.01"; c0 "NN - Lasker,Ed";
8/pp2r1k1/2p1p3/3pP2p/1P1P1P1P/P5KR/8/8 w - - bm f5; id "LCTII.FIN.02"; c0 "Capablanca - Eliskases, Moskau 1936";
8/3p4/p1bk3p/Pp6/1Kp1PpPp/2P2P1P/2P5/5B2 b - - bm Bxe4; id "LCTII.FIN.03"; c0 "Studie 1994";
5k2/7R/4P2p/5K2/p1r2P1p/8/8/8 b - - bm h3; am h5; id "LCTII.FIN.04"; c0 "Karpov - Deep Thought, Analyse 1990";
6k1/6p1/7p/P1N5/1r3p2/7P/1b3PP1/3bR1K1 w - - bm a6; id "LCTII.FIN.05"; c0 "Karpov - Kasparov, Moskau 1985 [Analyse]";
8/3b4/5k2/2pPnp2/1pP4N/pP1B2P1/P3K3/8 b - - bm f4; id "LCTII.FIN.06"; c0 "Minev - Portisch, Halle 1967";
6k1/4pp1p/3p2p1/P1pPb3/R7/1r2P1PP/3B1P2/6K1 w - - bm Bb4; id "LCTII.FIN.07"; c0 "Lengyel - Kaufman, Los Angeles 1974";
2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - bm c5; id "LCTII.FIN.08"; c0 "Spassky - Byrne, 1974";
8/5Bp1/4P3/6pP/1b1k1P2/5K2/8/8 w - - bm Kg4; id "LCTII.FIN.09"; c0 "Klimenok - Kabanov, UdSSR 1969";

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