Engine Rating Lists
There are several independent and private Engine Rating Lists for various time controls (TC). The classical SSDF rating list, sanctioned by the ICGA, and already started in the 80s with dedicated chess computers is the most established and acknowledged.
Rating Lists
Numbers as of 2010 June, 25
- Computer Chess Rating Lists
- Founded: 2005
- Welcome to the CCRL (Computer Chess Rating Lists) website
- Conditions
CCRL also tests FRC Engines.
- Chess Engines Grand Tournament
- Founded by Heinz van Kempen
- Founded: 2005
- CEGT home
- Conditions
- Hosted by Olivier Deville
- Welcome to ChessWar !
- Conditions
- Hosted by Frank Quisinsky
- Founded: 2014
- Frank's Chess Page (FCP)
- Hosted by Andreas Strangmüller
- Founded: 2013
- FastGMs Rating Lists (FGRL)
G 6
- Hosted by Luca Lissandrello
- Founded: 2013
- G6 - Standard elo rating (Wayback Machine)
- The first pure chess engine rating list with PONDER ON
- Hosted by Ingo Bauer
- Founded: 2009
- Discontinued: 2019
- Kirr's Chess Engine Comparison
- A tournament of original free chess engines
- Hosted by Kirill Kryukov
- KCEC - Website
- Regensburg WinBoard Circuit
- Hosted by Günther Simon
Selective Search
- Hosted by Stefan Pohl
- Svenska schackdatorföreningen (Swedish Chess Computer Association)
- Founded: 1984
- The SSDF Rating List
- Conditions: All games have been played on the tournament level, 40 moves/2 hours followed by 20 moves/each following hour. In matches between PC-programs, two separate PCs have been used, connected with an auto232-cable.
- Thoresen Chess Engines Competition
- Hosted by Martin Thoresen
- TCEC - Archive Mode has the Official TCEC Ratings calculated using Ordo by Miguel Ballicora, bottom-right
- UCI Engines Ligue
- Hosted by Patrick Buchmann
- UCI Engines Ligue (UEL) - Website
- WBEC Ridderkerk
- Hosted by Leo Dijksman
- WBEC Ridderkerk, chessengine news and tournament site
See also
CC Forums - Tournaments and Matches
- Katja Grace (2013). Algorithmic Progress in Six Domains. Technical report 2013-3, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, pdf, 5 Game Playing, 5.1 Chess, 5.2 Go, 9 Machine Learning
Forum Posts
2010 ...
- Re: Rating list Rapid CCRL+CEGT+WBEC 2010-02-17 by Martin Helmer, CCC, February 18, 2010
- Rating List Links by Jeremy Bernstein, OpenChess Forum, June 12, 2010
- Question to the members of the ranking lists.. by Rainer M. A. Neuhäusler, CCC, June 24, 2010
- Corrupt CCRL, CEGT, and IPON by Norman Schmidt, CCC, December 25, 2011
- Rating list history by Ian Osgood, CCC, February 22, 2012
- The grand unified rating list 2016-04-14 by Vincent Lejeune, CCC, April 14, 2016
- ELO progression measured by year by Ed Schroder, CCC, December 13, 2017
2020 ...
- Vintage .... Rating List Winboard from June 1999 (16:42) by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, August 03, 2020