Wilhelm Barth
Wilhelm P. Barth,
a German mathematician [2], computer scientist and Professor Emeritus at the Vienna University of Technology [3].
He defended his Ph.D. at Darmstadt University of Technology in 1963 on Graeffe's method under supervision of
Alwin Walther and Detlef Laugwitz. His research interests include root-finding algorithms, geometric algorithms, graph theory, ray tracing, and computer chess [4].
Wilhelm Barth is author of the rule based Windows chess program and explanation tool Endspiel [5], which applies techniques as elaborated along with Heinz Herbeck in ICCA Journal. Endspiel applies an algorithms to gather information about the principal variation inside an iterative deepening alpha-beta framework, giving the user hints why a move was chosen and what happens after a series of moves [6].
Selected Publications
1963 ...
- Wilhelm Barth (1963). Praktisches Vorgehen und Fehlerabschätzung beim Graeffe-Verfahren. Dissertation, Darmstadt University of Technology, supervisors Alwin Walther and Detlef Laugwitz
- Wilhelm Barth, Roger S. Martin, James H. Wilkinson (1967). Calculation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection. Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 9, No. 5
1970 ...
- Wilhelm Barth (1971). Nullstellenbestimmung mit der Intervallrechnung. Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3-4 (German) [9]
- Wilhelm Barth (1972). Ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung aller reellen Nullstellen in einem Intervall. Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2 (German)
- Wilhelm Barth, Erich Nuding (1974). Optimale Lösung von Intervallgleichungssystemen. Computing, Vol. 12, No. 2 (German)
- Wilhelm Barth (1978). Unterhaltungsinformatik: Schachprobleme. Institutsbericht Nr. 3, Institut für Informationssysteme, TU Wien (German)
- Wilhelm Barth (1979). Alwin Walther - Praktische Mathematik und Computer an der THD. Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Jahrbuch 1978/79 » Alwin Walther
1980 ...
- Wilhelm Barth, Michael Fastenbauer (1980). Hash-Hash-Tabellen. Institutsbericht Nr. 8, Institut für Informationssysteme, TU Wien (German)
- Wilhelm Barth, Josef Dirnberger, Werner Purgathofer (1982). The high-level Graphics Programming Language PASCAL/Graph. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 6, No. 3
1990 ...
- Wilhelm Barth, Werner Purgathofer, Th. Rainer (1990). Picture Files for Hierarchical Structured Pictures. Computers & Graphics, Vol. 14, No. 2
- Wilhelm Barth, Stephan Barth (1991). Programme für korrekte Schachendspiele und deren Validierung. Institutsbericht, Nr. 34. Institut für Computergraphik, TU Wien (German)
- Gerhard Mehlsam, Hermann Kaindl, Wilhelm Barth (1991). Feature Construction during Tree Learning. GWAI 1991
- Wilhelm Barth, Stephan Barth (1992). Validating a Range of Endgame Programs. ICCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3 [10]
- Wilhelm Barth (1994). Computerschach - Ein korrektes Programm für das Endspiel König und Bauer gegen König und Bauer - Unterteilung von Endspielen in Klassen - Behandlung der Stellungswiederholung bei der Intervallbewertung. Institutsbericht Nr. 36, Institut für Computergraphik, TU Wien (German)
- Wilhelm Barth, Roland Lieger, Michael Schindler (1994). Ray tracing general parametric surfaces using interval arithmetic. The Visual Computer, Vol. 10, No. 7
1995 ...
- Wilhelm Barth (1995). Combining Knowledge and Search to Yield Infallible Endgame Programs A study of passed Pawns in the KPKP endgame. ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3 [11]
- Wilhelm Barth (1995). The KPKP Endgame: An Amplification. ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4
- Gerhard Mehlsam, Hermann Kaindl, Wilhelm Barth (1995). Feature Construction during Tree Learning. GOSLER Final Report 1995
- Heinz Herbeck, Wilhelm Barth (1996). An Explanation Tool for Chess Endgames Based on the Rule Method. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2
2000 ...
- Katja Bühler, Wilhelm Barth (2001). A New Intersection Algorithm for Parametric Surfaces Based on Linear Interval Estimations. Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods
- Wilhelm Barth, Petra Mutzel, Michael Jünger (2004). Simple and Efficient Bilayer Cross Counting. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pdf
- Wilhelm Barth, Petra Mutzel, Canan Yildiz (2006). A New Approximation Algorithm for Bend Minimization in the Kandinsky Model. Graph Drawing
External Links
- Wilhelm Barth :: Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen - Arbeitsgruppe für Computergraphik
- Homepage of Wilhelm Barth (Wayback Machine)
- Computer Chess site (Barth, Herbeck) (Wayback Machine)
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Wilhelm Barth
- Neues Schachprogramm für Spezialprobleme, October 28, 1996 (German)
- ↑ Homepage of Wilhelm Barth (Wayback Machine)
- ↑ The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Wilhelm Barth
- ↑ Barth, Wilhelm | Wissenschaftler | Wissenschaft im Austria-Forum
- ↑ Computer Chess (Barth, Herbeck)
- ↑ Neues Schachprogramm für Spezialprobleme, October 28, 1996 (German)
- ↑ Heinz Herbeck, Wilhelm Barth (1996). An Explanation Tool for Chess Endgames Based on the Rule Method. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2
- ↑ dblp: Wilhelm Barth
- ↑ Wilhelm Barth :: Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen - Arbeitsgruppe für Computergraphik
- ↑ root-finding algorithms from Wikipedia
- ↑ Ulrich Thiemonds (1999). Ein regelbasiertes Spielprogramm für Schachendspiele. University of Bonn, Diplom thesis (German)
- ↑ Steven Edwards (1995). Comments on Barth’s Article “Combining Knowledge and Search to Yield Infallible Endgame Programs.” ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4