Wilhelm Barth

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Home * People * Wilhelm Barth

Wilhelm Barth [1]

Wilhelm P. Barth,
a German mathematician [2], computer scientist and Professor Emeritus at the Vienna University of Technology [3]. He defended his Ph.D. at Darmstadt University of Technology in 1963 on Graeffe's method under supervision of Alwin Walther and Detlef Laugwitz. His research interests include root-finding algorithms, geometric algorithms, graph theory, ray tracing, and computer chess [4].


Wilhelm Barth is author of the rule based Windows chess program and explanation tool Endspiel [5], which applies techniques as elaborated along with Heinz Herbeck in ICCA Journal. Endspiel applies an algorithms to gather information about the principal variation inside an iterative deepening alpha-beta framework, giving the user hints why a move was chosen and what happens after a series of moves [6].

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1963 ...

1970 ...

1980 ...

1990 ...

1995 ...

2000 ...

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