Alan Mead

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Home * People * Alan Mead

Alan Mead [1]

Alan B. Mead,
an American electrical engineer, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Applied Concepts Inc. (dba Stalker Radar), founded in March 1977 [2]. Alan Mead holds a BSEE from University of Kansas (1968), and was engineering manager at Kustom Signals, Inc. [3] [4] (1970 - 1975), and founder and president of Technology Development, Inc. (1975). Along with John Aker and others, Alan Mead holds various patents [5] concerning Doppler complex FFT police radar, which is now the primary business of Applied Concepts [6].



Alan Mead was involved in designing the hardware [7] of the first Boris machine [8] [9], which was manufactured from early 1978, short after the foundation of Applied Concepts. He is mentioned as representative of Boris Experimental in the ACM 1980 [10] and ACM 1981 booklets, in 1981 along with John Aker, Terry Fredrick, John Jacobs, David Slate and Larry Atkin [11].


Further, Alan Mead had the initial idea of a module system yielding to the development of the Modular Game System aka Great Game Machine. While the electronic and microprocessor design was due to John Aker, he was responsible for the concept and mechanical design [12].

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