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Home * Engines * Nirvanachess

Mahavira's Nirvana [1]

Nirvanachess, (Nirvana)
an UCI compliant chess engine by Thomas Kolarik, written in C++, first released in April 2013 [2]. Nirvanachess applies a principal variation search with a four bucket transposition table, null move pruning, late move reduction, and futility pruning and razoring with CLOP optimized margins inside an iterative deepening framework with aspiration windows, move ordering improved by the killer heuristics. Its evaluation uses material and piece-squares tables, and further places emphasis on mobility, pawn structure with focus on passed pawns and pawn chains, and king safety, considing pawn storms, how many squares around the king are attacked by how many attackers, and the quality of the pawn shelter [3]. Nirvana 2.0, released in December 2014, was a complete rewrite using bitboards instead of a 10x12 board with an improved evaluation and a parallel search using the lazy SMP approach [4]. Nirvanachess 2.1 improved due to singular extensions, logistic regression tuning aka Texel's Tuning Method of evaluation weights, as well as SPSA tuning for pruning margins [5] [6].

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  1. Mahavira's Nirvana or Moksha. Note the crescent shaped Siddhashila (a place where all Siddhas reside after Nirvana). Folio 53r from Kalpa Sūtra series, loose leaf manuscript, Patan, Gujarat, ca. 1472, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Nirvanachess 1.0 Release by Thomas Kolarik, CCC, April 10, 2013
  3. Nirvanachess
  4. Nirvanachess 2.0 Release by Thomas Kolarik, CCC, December 17, 2014
  5. Nirvanachess: Nirvanachess 2.1 Release, May 04, 2015
  6. Nirvanachess 2.1 Release by Thomas Kolarik, CCC, May 05, 2015
  7. Nirvanachess 2.4 has been released by Graham Banks, CCC, August 15, 2017

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