Michel Van den Bergh

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Home * People * Michel Van den Bergh

Michel Van den Bergh [1]

Michel Van den Bergh,
a Belgian mathematician, Ph.D. in 1985 and Habilitation (Hoger Aggregaat) in 1990 from University of Antwerp, and director of research at the Fund for Scientific Research, also affiliated with the University of Hasselt, Diepenbeek, and the Free University of Brussels. He was visiting researcher and professor at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, and the Mittag Leffler Institute in Stockholm [2]. His research interests include algebraic topology and algebraic geometry, in particular noncommutative algebraic geometry.

Computer Chess

Michel Van den Bergh's professional interests in mathematics is supplemented by chess and computer chess programming. He worked on Toga II Posix ports, on icsdrone, an interface between an ICS (Internet Chess Server) and a chess engine supporting the Chess Engine Communication Protocol, and made an attempt to transform GNU Chess into a modern Chess Engine Communication Protocol compliant engine. He is in the process to improve version 5 with various SEE based pruning techniques and optimizations, where SEESign is faster to determine if the SEE value is below some threshold than computing its actual value [3], and further applied parameter tuning using Rémi Coulom's CLOP, Confident Local Optimization for Noisy Black-Box Parameter Tuning [4]. More recently, Michel Van den Bergh is engaged in match statistics and sequential probability ratio test.

Selected Publications


1980 ...

1990 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

Forum Posts

2008 ...

2010 ...





2015 ...

Re: The SPRT without draw model, elo model or whatever.. by Michel Van den Bergh, CCC, August 18, 2016 » SPRT Python code [20]

2020 ...

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