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Home * Chess * Position * Copy-Make

While traversing a Search Tree, the Copy-Make approach keeps and updates local copies of certain aspects of a chess position inside an array indexed by ply, which could also be interpreted as explicit, random accessible search stack. It usually refers the irreversible aspects of the position, like ep state, castling rights and the halfmove clock, which can not incrementally updated during unmake move. Some programs even keep reversible stuff inside an array, to avoid incremental update during unmake. Copy-Make is required, if aspects need to be accessed randomly in the current branch from the root (or even starting game position) to the current one.


// make
memcpy (&position[ply+1].irrvrsAspects, 
        &position[ply  ].irrvrsAspects, 
update (position[ply], move)
// unmake
// position[ply] is still valid


The alternative, to maintain those irreversible aspects inside a global structure, would require a stack (LIFO), with push and global update during make, and pop from stack to global structure during unmake, and therefor higher memory bandwidth for copying back and forth.

// make
push (position.irreversibleAspects);
update (position, move)
// unmake
pop (position.irreversibleAspects);
// position is restored from stack

See also

Forum Posts

1995 ...

Re: cheaper search ? by Shaun Press, rgcc, April 28, 1997 » Vanilla Chess, KnightCap

2000 ...

Re: undo move vs. Position Cloning by Marco Costalba, CCC, September 16, 2009 » Stockfish
Re: undo move vs. Position Cloning by Don Dailey, CCC, September 16, 2009 » Doch

2010 ...

2015 ...

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