S. Ali Mirsoleimani
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S. Ali Mirsoleimani [1]
Sayyed Ali Mirsoleimani,
an Iranian computer scientist and Ph.D. candidate at the Leiden Centre of Data Science [2], Leiden University and Nikhef, Amsterdam Science Park.
He holds a M.Sc. degree in computer software engineering from Shiraz University, Shiraz in 2013, and a B.Sc. from Islamic Azad University in 2010.
His research interests include machine learning, genetic and memetic algorithms, massive parallel high performance computing using GPU's and the Xeon Phi architecture.
Involved in the HEPGAME project headed by Jos Vermaseren [3], he works on Monte-Carlo Tree Search, UCT, and parallel MCTS.
Selected Publications
2012 ...
- Elahe Khodadadian, Mohammad Ghasemzade, Vali Derhami, S. Ali Mirsoleimani (2012). A novel ranking algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning. AISP 2012
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Ali Karami Ali Karami, Farshad Khunjush (2013). A parallel memetic algorithm on GPU to solve the task scheduling problem in heterogeneous environments. GECCO '13
- Ali Karami, S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Farshad Khunjush (2013). A statistical performance prediction model for OpenCL kernels on NVIDIA GPUs. CADS 2013
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Ali Karami Ali Karami, Farshad Khunjush (2014). A Two-Tier Design Space Exploration Algorithm to Construct a GPU Performance Predictor. ARCS 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8350, Springer
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2014). Performance analysis of a 240 thread tournament level MCTS Go program on the Intel Xeon Phi. CoRR abs/1409.4297 » Go, MCTS
2015 ...
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2015). Scaling Monte Carlo Tree Search on Intel Xeon Phi. CoRR abs/1507.04383 » Hex, MCTS, Parallel Search, x86-64
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2015). Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search from Multi-core to Many-core Processors. TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA 2015, pdf
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik (2015). Ensemble UCT Needs High Exploitation. arXiv:1509.08434
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2016). A New Method for Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search. arXiv:1605.04447 » MCTS, Parallel Search
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2016). An Efficient Computation Pattern for Parallel MCTS. ICT.OPEN 2016, pdf
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2017). Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search. arXiv:1704.00325
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Aske Plaat, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Vermaseren (2017). An Analysis of Virtual Loss in Parallel MCTS. ICAART 2017, Vol. 2, pdf
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat, Jos Vermaseren (2018). Pipeline Pattern for Parallel MCTS. ICAART 2018, pdf
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat, Jos Vermaseren (2018). A Lock-free Algorithm for Parallel MCTS. ICAART 2018, pdf