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Home * Engines * Tytan

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol aka WinBoard compatible chess engine by Tomasz Michniewski, written in C++, and successor of his earlier engine JChess.


Tytan relies on bitboards and otherwise uses standard techniques like alpha-beta, null move pruning, transposition table, quiescence search, pondering, futility pruning, history heuristics, lazy evaluation cutoff, and has an own opening book and supports Nalimov Tablebases [2].

Tournament Play

Tytan played most Polish Computer Chess Championships from 2003 until 2011, and won the open and uniform titles at the PCCC 2003.



PCCC 2003 double Champion: Tomasz Michniewski with Tytan [3]

See also

External Links

Chess Engine



  1. Rhea, a Titan daughter of the earth goddess Gaia, was both sister and wife to Cronus'. This image comes from the 4th edition of Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885–90), Wikimedia Commons, Titan (mythology) from Wikipedia
  2. Tytan Chess (expired link)
  3. II Mistrzostwa Polski Programów Szachowych

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