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Evaluation of Pieces

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'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[Evaluation]] * of Pieces'''

This page serves as a quick reference for those who look for ideas about evaluating different kinds of [[Pieces|pieces]].

* [[Pawn Structure]]
* [[Pawn Center]]
* [[Blockade of Stop]]
: penalty for "d" and "e" pawns blocked on their initial squares

* Decreasing value as pawns disappear
* [[Outposts]]
* Knight trapped on A8/H8/A7/H7 or A1/H1/A2/H2 - see [[Trapped Pieces]]
* Penalty for blocking a C-pawn in closed openings ([[Crafty]] defines it as follows: white knight on c3, white pawns on c2 and d4, no white pawn on e4)
* When calculating knight [[Mobility|mobility]], it is advisable to omit [[Square Control|squares controlled]] by enemy pawns
* Marginal bonus for a knight defended by a pawn
* Penalty for an undefended minor piece ([[Stockfish]])

* [[Bad Bishop]]
* [[Bishop Pair]]
* [[Bishop versus Knight]]
* [[Color Weakness]]
* [[Fianchetto]]
* [[Returning Bishop]]
* Bishop trapped by enemy pawns on A2/H2/A7/H7 or on A3/H3/A6/H6, see [[Trapped Pieces]]
* Penalty for an undefended minor piece ([[Stockfish]])

* Increasing value as pawns disappear
* [[Rook on open file]]
* [[Rook on seventh]] (possibly also eigth) rank
* [[Tarrasch Rule]]
* Penalty for a Rook blocked by an uncastled King
* Small bonus for a rook with enemy queen on the same file (doesn't matter if it's open or not)
* Rooks defending each other (Rebel uses a piece/square table for that, making suppoeted rook on 7th rank even more valuable)

* Penalty for early development <ref>[ Queen wandering, was: Crafty 14,9] by [[Roland Pfister]], [[CCC]], May 11, 1998</ref>
* Some programs do not evaluate queen [[Mobility|mobility]]
* Some versions of [[Fruit]] replace queen mobility by [[King Safety#KingTropism|king tropism]]
* If [[King Safety|king safety]] evaluation relies on king tropism, queen tends to get somewhat higher bonus

* [[King Safety|King safety]] in the [[Middlegame|middlegame]]
* [[King Centralization|King centralization]] in the [[Endgame|endgame]]
* [[Mate at a Glance]]
* Penalty for standing on a wing with no pawns present in the endgame
* [[Pin|Pins]]/[[X-ray]]
* [[Castling Rights]]

=See also=
* [[Influence Quantity of Pieces]]
* [[Material]]
* [[Mobility]]
* [[Piece-Square Tables]]
* [[Square Control]]

=Forum Posts=
* [ Knight Evaluation] by [[Jonathan Rosenthal]], [[CCC]], February 24, 2015
* [ eval pieces] by [[Daniel Anulliero]], [[CCC]], June 15, 2015

<references />

'''[[Evaluation|Up one Level]]'''

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