Odd Gunnar Malin
Home * People * Odd Gunnar Malin
Odd Gunnar Malin,
a Norwegian software developer, chess player and computer chess programmer, residing in Vadsø, Finnmark country [2]. Odd Gunnar is author of the WinBoard compatible open source chess engine PolarChess including the PolarEngine package with search and evaluation decoupled from the board representation, various protocol utilities and converter such as InBetween and Wb2UCI, as well as Chess Database related tools and programs like NorBase, a game-database for games played in Norwegian chess tournaments [3].
Forum Posts
2000 ...
- Last message :-), InBetween 1.1 by Odd Gunnar Malin is available ! by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, June 11, 2001
- Odd Gunnar Malin teaches how to run winboard Sos under ChessBase GUI by Antonio Senatore, CCC, June 14, 2001
- GradualTest and AdjustEval by Peter Fendrich, Winboard Forum, February 07, 2002
- UCI2Wb by Odd Gunnar Malin by Matthias Gemuh, CCC, February 26, 2002
- Wb2Uci by Odd Gunnar Malin, Winboard Forum, September 23, 2002 » Wb2UCI
2005 ...
- Re: New Wb2Uci 1.3 B21 by Odd Gunnar Malin, CCC, June 16, 2005
- Re: Publishing Help by Odd Gunnar Malin, ChessPublishing.com - Publishing Help, April 22, 2010
External Links
- Odd Gunnar Malin chess games - 365Chess.com
- Malin, Odd Gunnar FIDE Chess Profile
- Magnus Carlsen: age 15, performance 2700 - Addendum, ChessBase News, May 19, 2006 [4]
- Chess and Data - WaybackMachine
- The Tale of the Lost Wrapper: InBetween by Odd Gunnar Malin by Aldo Ercolani, Chess.com, December 12, 2014 [5]