Levente Kocsis
Home * People * Levente Kocsis
Levente Kocsis,
a Hungarian computer scientist and researcher in Machine Learning with interests in Reinforcement Learning, Games like Chess, Go, Poker and Lines of Action, Search Control, Neural Networks and optimization algorithms for combinatorial problems. He defended his Ph.D thesis Learning Search Decisions [2] in 2003 at Maastricht University.
Levente Kocsis is member of the Machine Learning Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2006, along with Csaba Szepesvári, Levente Kocsis introduced UCT (Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees), a new algorithm that applies bandit ideas to guide Monte-Carlo planning [3]. UCT accelerated the Monte-Carlo revolution in computer Go [4] and other domains.
The Magog team at the 7th Computer Olympiad 2002. Mark Winands, Levente Kocsis, Erik van der Werf [5]
Selected Publications
2000 ...
- Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2000). Learning Time Allocation using Neural Networks. CG 2000
- Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2001). Search-independent Forward Pruning. BNAIC 2001
- Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2001). Move Ordering using Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 2001, LNCS 2070
- Mark Winands, Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2002). Learning in Lines of Action. 7th Computer Olympiad Workshop [7]
- Mark Winands, Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (2002). Temporal difference learning and the Neural MoveMap heuristic in the game of Lines of Action. GAME-ON 2002
- Levente Kocsis, Jos Uiterwijk, Eric Postma, Jaap van den Herik (2002). The Neural MoveMap Heuristic in Chess. CG 2002
- Levente Kocsis, Jaap van den Herik, Jos Uiterwijk (2003). Two Learning Algorithms for Forward Pruning. ICGA Journal, Vol 26, No. 3
- Levente Kocsis (2003). Learning Search Decisions. Ph.D thesis, Maastricht University, pdf
2005 ...
- Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári, Mark Winands (2005). RSPSA: Enhanced Parameter Optimization in Games. Advances in Computer Games 11, pdf
- Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári (2006). Universal Parameter Optimisation in Games Based on SPSA. Machine Learning, Special Issue on Machine Learning and Games, Vol. 63, No. 3
- Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári (2006). Bandit based Monte-Carlo Planning ECML-06, LNCS/LNAI 4212, pp. 282-293. introducing UCT, pdf
- Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári, Jan Willemson (2006). Improved Monte-Carlo Search. pdf
- András György, Levente Kocsis, I. Szabó, Csaba Szepesvári (2007). Continuous Time Associative Bandit Problems IJCAI-07, 830-835. pdf
- James H. Brodeur, Benjamin E. Childs, Levente Kocsis (2008). Transpositions and Move Groups in Monte Carlo Tree Search. pdf
2010 ...
- Sylvain Gelly, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, Olivier Teytaud, Levente Kocsis, David Silver, Csaba Szepesvári (2012). The Grand Challenge of Computer Go: Monte Carlo Tree Search and Extensions. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55, No. 3, pdf preprint
External Links
- Levente Kocsis - Computer and Automation research institute, Hungarian Academy of Science - videolectures.net
- Kocsis Levente - Google Scholar Citations
- Kocsis, Levente from computer-go.info
- The chess games of Levente Kocsis from chessgames.com
- ↑ Levente Kocsis | Data Mining and Search Group
- ↑ Levente Kocsis (2003). Learning Search Decisions. Ph.D thesis, Maastricht University, pdf
- ↑ Levente Kocsis, Csaba Szepesvári (2006). Bandit based Monte-Carlo Planning
- ↑ Sylvain Gelly, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, Olivier Teytaud, Levente Kocsis, David Silver, Csaba Szepesvári (2012). The Grand Challenge of Computer Go: Monte Carlo Tree Search and Extensions. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55, No. 3, pdf preprint
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ Publications - Maastricht University