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Home * Evaluation * Pawn Structure * Holes

Simulated view of a black hole [1]

squares that cannot be possibly covered by own pawns, usually also controlled by the enemy pawns. A typical example is d4 square after White forms a triangle consisting of pawns on c4, d3 and e4. Holes are excellent locations for enemy minor pieces, safer than outposts. For that reason one should keep minor pieces to cover the holes in one's position. Along with bitboard pawn patterns, holes may be determined by the relative complement of front attack spans usually restricted to the area of the own 3rd and 4th rank of the extended center.


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Hole on d4

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  1. Simulated view of a black hole (center) in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Note the gravitational lensing effect, which produces two enlarged but highly distorted views of the Cloud. Across the top, the Milky Way disk appears distorted into an arc. Image by Alain r, September 08, 2006 CC BY-SA 2.5, Wikimedia Commons

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