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Home * Knowledge * Cognition * CHREST

CHREST, (Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures)
a cognitive architecture that models human perception, learning, memory, and problem solving. It is distinctive in its emphasis on the importance of perception and attention, and in following human constraints such as limitations on short-term memory, chunking and processing speed. Fernand Gobet is principal investigator of CHREST, influenced by the earlier EPAM model, originally designed by Herbert Simon and Edward Feigenbaum [1] [2].

CHREST consists of a blending of ideas proposed in earlier computer models of different aspects of chess [3], Mater by Baylor and Simon [4], Perceiver by Barenfeld and Simon [5], and MAPP by Gilmartin and Simon [6] and originated from modeling work on chess expertise.


One application of CHREST was the pattern learning chess program CHUMP by Gobet and Peter Jansen [7] , where an eye movement simulator, the only part of the system where the rules of the game influence the learning process, scans the board, and directs its attention to pieces and squares it expects, given the current node in its discrimination net, attack, defense and proximity relations between pieces.



An overview of the architecture of CHREST [8]

See also


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Flora Purim, George Duke, David Amaro, Alphonso Johnson, Airto Moreira, Leon "Ndugu" Chancler


  1. Edward Feigenbaum (1959). An Information Processing Theory of Verbal Learning. RAND Paper
  2. Edward Feigenbaum, Herbert Simon (1984). EPAMlike models of recognition and learning. Cognitive Science, Vol. 8, 305-336, pdf
  3. Fernand Gobet (1993). A Computer Model of Chess Memory. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 463-468
  4. George W. Baylor, Herbert A. Simon (1966). A chess mating combinations program. AFIPS
  5. Herbert Simon, Michael Barenfeld (1969). Information-processing analysis of perceptual processes in problem solving. Psychological Review, Vol. 76, No. 5, pdf
  6. Herbert Simon, Kevin J. Gilmartin (1973). A Simulation of Memory for Chess Positions. Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 5, pp. 29-46.
  7. Fernand Gobet, Peter Jansen (1994). Towards a Chess Program Based on a Model of Human Memory. Advances in Computer Chess 7
  8. Design of CHREST

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