Chinese Chess Perft Results

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Home * Board Representation * Move Generation * Perft * Chinese Chess Perft Results

This page contains detailed Chinese Chess perft results for several positions that are useful for debugging, beginning with the start position. The move counters consider moves to the leaf positions only.

Initial Position

Data by Patrice Duhamel[1]

Xiangqi Initial Position[2]

FEN: rheakaehr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RHEAKAEHR w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes Checks Captures
1 44 0 2
2 1,920 6 72
3 79,666 384 3,159
4 3,290,240 19,380 115,365
5 133,312,995 953,251 4,917,734
6 5,392,831,844 39,288,662 185,194,510
7 217,154,523,878 1,793,957,429 7,806,689,172

Position 2

By Maksim Korzh[3]

Xiangqi Position 2

FEN: r1ea1a3/4kh3/2h1e4/pHp1p1p1p/4c4/6P2/P1P2R2P/1CcC5/9/2EAKAE2 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes Checks Captures
1 38 1 1
2 1,128 12 10
3 43,929 1,190 2,105
4 1,339,047 21,299 31,409
5 53,112,976 1,496,697 3,262,495

Position 3

Middle game, by Nguyen Pham[4]

Xiangqi Position 3

FEN: 1ceak4/9/h2a5/2p1p3p/5cp2/2h2H3/6PCP/3AE4/2C6/3A1K1H1 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 7
2 281
3 8,620
4 326,201
5 10,369,923
6 380,156,340
7 12,345,505,147

Position 4

Middle game, by Nguyen Pham[5]

Xiangqi Position 4

FEN: 5a3/3k5/3aR4/9/5r3/5h3/9/3A1A3/5K3/2EC2E2 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 25
2 424
3 9,850
4 202,884
5 4,739,553
6 100,055,401
7 24,477,590,37

Position 5

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[6]

Xiangqi Position 5

FEN: CRH1k1e2/3ca4/4ea3/9/2hr5/9/9/4E4/4A4/4KA3 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 28
2 516
3 14,808
4 395,483
5 11,842,230
6 367,168,327
7 11,194,690,506

Position 6

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[7]

FEN: R1H1k1e2/9/3aea3/9/2hr5/2E6/9/4E4/4A4/4KA3 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 21
2 364
3 7,626
4 162,837
5 3,500,505
6 81,195,154
7 1,765,627,003

Position 7

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[8]

FEN: C1hHk4/9/9/9/9/9/h1pp5/E3C4/9/3A1K3 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 28
2 222
3 6,241
4 64,971
5 1,914,306
6 23,496,493
7 713,048,593

Position 8

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[9]

FEN: 4ka3/4a4/9/9/4H4/p8/9/4C3c/7h1/2EK5 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 23
2 345
3 8,124
4 149,272
5 3,513,104
6 71,287,903
7 1,657,573,114

Position 9

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[10]

FEN: 2e1ka3/9/e3H4/4h4/9/9/9/4C4/2p6/2EK5 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 21
2 195
3 3,883
4 48,060
5 933,096
6 12,250,386
7 235,622,620

Position 10

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[11]

FEN: 1C2ka3/9/C1Hae1h2/p3p3p/6p2/9/P3P3P/3AE4/3p2c2/c1EAK4 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 30
2 830
3 22,787
4 649,866
5 17,920,736
6 517,687,990
7 14,455,679,002

Position 11

A position with complicated checks and evasions, especially designed to test lazy/update-on-fly move generators, by Nguyen Pham[12]

FEN: ChH1k1e2/c3a4/4ea3/9/2hr5/9/9/4C4/4A4/4KA3 w - - 0 1

Depth Nodes
1 19
2 583
3 11,714
4 376,467
5 8,148,177
6 270,587,571
7 6,347,480,650

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