Chess 232 Board
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Chess 232 [1]
Chess 232 Board,
a magnetic sensory board with wooden pieces to play with PC chess programs, first released in late 1994, deprecated and out of stock [2]. The board was connected with the PC via a RS-323 serial COM port. It was developed in conjunction with his Auto232 interface, by Chrilly Donninger, using the same protocol [3] [4]. A MS-DOS TSR driver was able to "hook" the input and output of various chess programs. A later free Windows driver by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen allowed dedicated Chess 232 feeling with Windows engines [5].
Forum Posts
- Technische Spezifikation des 232-Protokolls (German) by Harald Faber, rgcc, January 08, 1997
- Windows driver for CHESS 232 board an Autoplayer 232 by Bert Seifriz, CCC, November 09, 1997
- Re: Auto232 questions, here is the manual in English! by Harald Faber, CCC, April 07, 1999
External Links
- ↑ Image from DOS PC-Programme | by Klaus Niedernhuber (dead link)
- ↑ Chess 232 / PC-Schachbrett - PC-Brett - Schachversand Niggemann (German)
- ↑ Schachclub Leinzell - Autoplayer 232 by Peter Schreiner, May 2000 (German)
- ↑ Auto232 player - Auto232 and Winboard by Aaron Tay, hosted by Ron Murawski
- ↑ Windows driver for CHESS 232 board an Autoplayer 232 by Bert Seifriz, CCC, November 09, 1997