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1 byte removed, 18:51, 18 April 2021
moved list of architectures down
* 768 KiB L2 cache
* 3 GiB to 6 GiB global memory
=Instruction Throughput=
GPUs are used in [ HPC] environments because of their good [ FLOP]/Watt ratio. The instruction throughput in general depends on the architecture (like Nvidia's [ Tesla], [ Fermi], [ Kepler], [ Maxwell] or AMD's [ TeraScale], [ GCN], [ RDNA]), the brand (like Nvidia [ GeForce], [ Quadro], [ Tesla] or AMD [ Radeon], [ Radeon Pro], [ Radeon Instinct]) and the specific model.
==Integer Instruction Throughput==
* INT32
: The 32 bit integer performance can be architecture and operation depended less than 32 bit FLOP or 24 bit integer performance.
* INT64
: Current GPU [ registers] and Vector-[ ALUs] are 32 bit wide and have to emulate 64 bit integer operations.
* INT8
: Some architectures offer higher throughput with lower precision. They quadruple the INT8 or octuple the INT4 throughput.
==Floating Point Instruction Throughput==
* FP32
: Consumer GPU performance is measured usually in single-precision (32 bit) floating point FMA, fused-multiply-add, throughput.
* FP64
: Consumer GPUs have in general a lower ratio (FP32:FP64) for double-precision (64 bit) floating point operations than server brand GPUs, like 4:1 down to 32:1 compared to 2:1 to 4:1.
* FP16
: Some GPGPU architectures offer half-precision (16 bit) floating point operation throughput with an FP32:FP16 ratio of 1:2. Older architectures migth not support FP16 at all, at the same rate as FP32, or at very low rates.
===Nvidia TensorCores===
: With Nvidia [ Volta] series TensorCores were introduced. They offer FP16xFP16+FP32, matrix-multiplication-accumulate-units, used to accelerate neural networks.<ref>[ INSIDE VOLTA]</ref> Turing's 2nd gen TensorCores add FP16, INT8, INT4 optimized computation.<ref>[ AnandTech - Nvidia Turing Deep Dive page 6]</ref> Amperes's 3rd gen adds support for BF16, TF32, FP64 and sparsity acceleration.<ref>[ Wikipedia - Ampere microarchitecture]</ref>
===AMD Matrix Cores===
: AMD released 2020 its server-class [ CDNA] architecture with Matrix Cores which support MFMA, matrix-fused-multiply-add, operations on various data types like INT8, FP16, BF16, FP32.
===Intel XMX Cores===
: Intel plans XMX, Xe Matrix eXtensions, for its upcoming [ Xe discrete GPU] series.
==Throughput Examples==
Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi, CC 2.0) - 32 bit integer operations/clock cycle per compute unit <ref>CUDA C Programming Guide v7.0, Chapter 5.4.1. Arithmetic Instructions</ref>
MAD 16
MUL 16
ADD 32
Bit-shift 16
Bitwise XOR 32
Max theoretic ADD operation throughput: 32 Ops * 16 CUs * 1544 MHz = 790.528 GigaOps/sec
AMD Radeon HD 7970 (GCN 1.0) - 32 bit integer operations/clock cycle per processing element <ref>AMD_OpenCL_Programming_Optimization_Guide.pdf 3.0beta, Chapter 2.7.1 Instruction Bandwidths</ref>
MAD 1/4
MUL 1/4
Bit-shift 1
Bitwise XOR 1
Max theoretic ADD operation throughput: 1 Op * 2048 PEs * 925 MHz = 1894.4 GigaOps/sec
=Host-Device Latencies=
One reason GPUs are not used as accelerators for chess engines is the host-device latency, aka. kernel-launch-overhead. Nvidia and AMD have not published official numbers, but in practice there is an measurable latency for null-kernels of 5 microseconds <ref>[ host-device latencies?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], Nvidia CUDA ZONE, Feb 28, 2019</ref> up to 100s of microseconds <ref>[ host-device latencies?] by [[Srdja Matovic]] AMD Developer Community, Feb 28, 2019</ref>. One solution to overcome this limitation is to couple tasks to batches to be executed in one run <ref>[ Re: GPU ANN, how to deal with host-device latencies?] by [[Milos Stanisavljevic]], [[CCC]], May 06, 2018</ref>.
=Deep Learning=
GPUs are much more suited than CPUs to implement and train [[Neural Networks#Convolutional|Convolutional Neural Networks]] (CNN), and were therefore also responsible for the [[Deep Learning|deep learning]] boom, also affecting game playing programs combining CNN with [[Monte-Carlo Tree Search|MCTS]], as pioneered by [[Google]] [[DeepMind|DeepMind's]] [[AlphaGo]] and [[AlphaZero]] entities in [[Go]], [[Shogi]] and [[Chess]] using [ TPUs], and the open source projects [[Leela Zero]] headed by [[Gian-Carlo Pascutto]] for [[Go]] and its [[Leela Chess Zero]] adaption.
= Architectures and Physical Hardware =
The market is split into two categories, integrated and discrete GPUs. The first being the most important by quantity, the second by performance. Discrete GPUs are divided as consumer brands for playing 3D games, professional brands for CAD/CGI programs and server brands for big-data and number-crunching workloads. Each brand offering different feature sets in driver, VRAM, or computation abilities.
* [ PowerVR Series5 SGX on Wikipedia]
=Instruction Throughput=
GPUs are used in [ HPC] environments because of their good [ FLOP]/Watt ratio. The instruction throughput in general depends on the architecture (like Nvidia's [ Tesla], [ Fermi], [ Kepler], [ Maxwell] or AMD's [ TeraScale], [ GCN], [ RDNA]), the brand (like Nvidia [ GeForce], [ Quadro], [ Tesla] or AMD [ Radeon], [ Radeon Pro], [ Radeon Instinct]) and the specific model.
==Integer Instruction Throughput==
* INT32
: The 32 bit integer performance can be architecture and operation depended less than 32 bit FLOP or 24 bit integer performance.
* INT64
: Current GPU [ registers] and Vector-[ ALUs] are 32 bit wide and have to emulate 64 bit integer operations.
* INT8
: Some architectures offer higher throughput with lower precision. They quadruple the INT8 or octuple the INT4 throughput.
==Floating Point Instruction Throughput==
* FP32
: Consumer GPU performance is measured usually in single-precision (32 bit) floating point FMA, fused-multiply-add, throughput.
* FP64
: Consumer GPUs have in general a lower ratio (FP32:FP64) for double-precision (64 bit) floating point operations than server brand GPUs, like 4:1 down to 32:1 compared to 2:1 to 4:1.
* FP16
: Some GPGPU architectures offer half-precision (16 bit) floating point operation throughput with an FP32:FP16 ratio of 1:2. Older architectures migth not support FP16 at all, at the same rate as FP32, or at very low rates.
===Nvidia TensorCores===
: With Nvidia [ Volta] series TensorCores were introduced. They offer FP16xFP16+FP32, matrix-multiplication-accumulate-units, used to accelerate neural networks.<ref>[ INSIDE VOLTA]</ref> Turing's 2nd gen TensorCores add FP16, INT8, INT4 optimized computation.<ref>[ AnandTech - Nvidia Turing Deep Dive page 6]</ref> Amperes's 3rd gen adds support for BF16, TF32, FP64 and sparsity acceleration.<ref>[ Wikipedia - Ampere microarchitecture]</ref>
===AMD Matrix Cores===
: AMD released 2020 its server-class [ CDNA] architecture with Matrix Cores which support MFMA, matrix-fused-multiply-add, operations on various data types like INT8, FP16, BF16, FP32.
===Intel XMX Cores===
: Intel plans XMX, Xe Matrix eXtensions, for its upcoming [ Xe discrete GPU] series.
==Throughput Examples==
Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi, CC 2.0) - 32 bit integer operations/clock cycle per compute unit <ref>CUDA C Programming Guide v7.0, Chapter 5.4.1. Arithmetic Instructions</ref>
MAD 16
MUL 16
ADD 32
Bit-shift 16
Bitwise XOR 32
Max theoretic ADD operation throughput: 32 Ops * 16 CUs * 1544 MHz = 790.528 GigaOps/sec
AMD Radeon HD 7970 (GCN 1.0) - 32 bit integer operations/clock cycle per processing element <ref>AMD_OpenCL_Programming_Optimization_Guide.pdf 3.0beta, Chapter 2.7.1 Instruction Bandwidths</ref>
MAD 1/4
MUL 1/4
Bit-shift 1
Bitwise XOR 1
Max theoretic ADD operation throughput: 1 Op * 2048 PEs * 925 MHz = 1894.4 GigaOps/sec
=Host-Device Latencies=
One reason GPUs are not used as accelerators for chess engines is the host-device latency, aka. kernel-launch-overhead. Nvidia and AMD have not published official numbers, but in practice there is an measurable latency for null-kernels of 5 microseconds <ref>[ host-device latencies?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], Nvidia CUDA ZONE, Feb 28, 2019</ref> up to 100s of microseconds <ref>[ host-device latencies?] by [[Srdja Matovic]] AMD Developer Community, Feb 28, 2019</ref>. One solution to overcome this limitation is to couple tasks to batches to be executed in one run <ref>[ Re: GPU ANN, how to deal with host-device latencies?] by [[Milos Stanisavljevic]], [[CCC]], May 06, 2018</ref>.
=Deep Learning=
GPUs are much more suited than CPUs to implement and train [[Neural Networks#Convolutional|Convolutional Neural Networks]] (CNN), and were therefore also responsible for the [[Deep Learning|deep learning]] boom, also affecting game playing programs combining CNN with [[Monte-Carlo Tree Search|MCTS]], as pioneered by [[Google]] [[DeepMind|DeepMind's]] [[AlphaGo]] and [[AlphaZero]] entities in [[Go]], [[Shogi]] and [[Chess]] using [ TPUs], and the open source projects [[Leela Zero]] headed by [[Gian-Carlo Pascutto]] for [[Go]] and its [[Leela Chess Zero]] adaption.
=Chess Engines=

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