Viljem Žumer
Viljem Žumer,
a Slovenian electrical engineer, computer scientist, professor and former head of the Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory [2], Institute of Computer Science at University of Maribor.
His research interests include parallel computing, multi-objective optimization,
and evolutionary computation, in particular differential evolution as applied in automated tuning of chess engines.
Selected Publications
1997 ...
- Viljem Žumer, Nikolaj Korbar, Marjan Mernik (1997). Automatic implementation of programming languages using object oriented approach. Journal of Systems Architecture Vol. 43, No. 1-5
- Milan Ojstersek, Viljem Žumer, Ljubo Pipan (1997). Efficient execution of parallel programs using partial strict triggering of program graph nodes. ICPADS 1997
2000 ...
- Janez Brest, Viljem Žumer (2003). A Heuristic Algorithm for the Static Scheduling on Multiprocessors. Applied Informatics'2003.
- Borko Bošković, Sašo Greiner, Janez Brest, Viljem Žumer (2005). The representation of chess game. 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces
- Sašo Greiner, Damijan Rebernak, Janez Brest, Viljem Žumer (2005). Z0 - a tiny experimental language. SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 40, No. 8
- Borko Bošković, Sašo Greiner, Janez Brest, Viljem Žumer (2006). A Differential Evolution for the Tuning of a Chess Evaluation Function. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- Aleš Zamuda, Janez Brest, Borko Bošković, Viljem Žumer (2007). Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Optimization with self Adaptation. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- Janez Brest, Aleš Zamuda, Borko Bošković, Sašo Greiner, Viljem Žumer (2008). An Analysis of the Control Parameters’ Adaptation in DE. Advances in Differential Evolution, Springer
- Borko Bošković, Sašo Greiner, Janez Brest, Aleš Zamuda, Viljem Žumer (2008). An Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm with Opposition-Based Mechanisms, Applied to the Tuning of a Chess Program. Advances in Differential Evolution, Springer
- Sašo Greiner, Janez Brest, Viljem Žumer (2009). Zero - a blend of static typing and dynamic metaprogramming. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Vol. 35, No. 3 [4]
2010 ...
- Borko Bošković, Janez Brest, Aleš Zamuda, Sašo Greiner, Viljem Žumer (2011). History mechanism supported differential evolution for chess evaluation function tuning. Soft Computing, Vol. 15, No. 4
- Aleš Zamuda, Janez Brest, Borko Bošković, Viljem Žumer (2011). Differential Evolution for Parameterized Procedural Woody Plant Models Reconstruction. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, No. 8
External Links
- Viljem Žumer - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
- Programming language Zero - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
- Viljem Žumer - Wikipedija (Slovenian)