Rolf Tüschen

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Home * People * Rolf Tüschen

Rolf Tüschen,
a German psychiatrist and until 2012, computer chess forum activist, pretending provocative critical thinking, often stressing the broad-mindedness of forum moderators concerning freedom of speech, minority rights, and signal-to-noise ratio. In 1996/97, when the unmoderated rgcc suffered from flaming with Rolf Tüschen involved [1], the moderated Computer Chess Club was founded as a consequence, where he was reinstated in 1998 [2] [3] from the expulsion short after CCC was chartered [4] [5]. Rolf Tüschen is vehement critic of the ICGA decision process concerning Rybka and Vasik Rajlich in 2011 [6].

Forum Posts

1996 ...

Computerchess Misc

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