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Home * User Interface * GUI * PocketGrandmaster
Home * Engines * PocketGrandmaster

PocketGrandmaster GUI [1]

a chess program for Windows Pocket PCs and mobiles by Frank Schneider and Kai Skibbe, initially based on GromitChess 3.10.3 [2], successor of GromitChess 3.9.5 which finished 4th at WMCCC 2001 winning the title of the World Microcomputer Amateur Chess Champion [3], and subsequently, by Gromit's successor Anaconda. PocketGrandmaster is shareware and some features are limited in the unregistered version [4] [5]. PocketGrandmaster features an own GUI with UCI like protocol [6] with additional adapted chess engines available for ARM and XScale processor devices [7]. PocketGrandmaster supports the DGT Board and can act as FICS and ICS client.


See also

Forum Posts

2001 ...

2005 ...

External Links

Chess Engine



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