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Home * Engines * Patsoc

a computer chess program by Hans Berliner written in BLISS 36 [1], which played the WCCC 1983 in New York, running on a DEC PDP-10 with 36 bit word length. Patsoc first implemented the evaluation feature of the crippled majority with doubled pawns involved [2]. Nevertheless, Patsoc is the acronym of "Plays a terrible sort of Chess" [3].

Selected Publications

External Links


  1. The Fourth World Computer Chess Championship (labeled 22nd ACM), pdf from The Computer History Museum, pdf from Danny Kopec
  2. Hans Berliner (1987). Some Innovations Introduced by Hitech. ICCA Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 111-117
  3. Harold Bogner (1984). The New Champion. Chess Life, February 1984, pdf from The Computer History Museum

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