Michael Tsfasman
Home * People * Michael Tsfasman
Michael A. Tsfasman,
a Russian mathematician and researcher at Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory [2], Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, and vice president of the Independent University of Moscow, Russia,
also affiliated with at Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, CNRS, Marseille, France.
He holds a M.Sc. in mathematics, in 1976 from Moscow State University, and a Ph.D. in mathematics, 1983 from Leningrad Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (LOMI) [3].
His research interests include algebraic geometry with emphasis on its relation to number theory, error-correcting codes, and lattices and sphere packing [4].
During the late 70s and early 80s, Michael Tsfasman worked along with Mikhail Botvinnik, Boris Stilman, Alexander Yudin, and Alexander Reznitskiy on the project Pioneer [5].
Selected Publications
- Boris Stilman, Michael Tsfasman (1979). Pozicionnaja Ocenka i Prioriteti (Positional Value and Assignment of Priorities), in Mikhail Botvinnik (1979). O Reshenii Netochnih Prebornih Zadach. (On Solving Inexact Search Problems), Soviet Radio, Moscow, pp. 104-109.
1980 ...
- Mikhail Botvinnik, Boris Stilman, Alexander Yudin, Alexander Reznitskiy, Michael Tsfasman (1980). Thinking of Man and Computer. Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Artificial Intelligence, Repino, Leningrad, Russia
- Michael Tsfasman, Boris Stilman (1984). The Positional Estimate and Assignment of Priorities. in Mikhail Botvinnik (1984). Computers in Chess, Solving Inexact Search Problems. Springer
- Simon Litsyn, Michael Tsfasman (1984). A note on lower bounds. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 32, No. 5
- Simon Litsyn, Michael Tsfasman (1987). Constructive high-dimensional sphere packings. Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1
1990 ...
- Michael Tsfasman (1991). Algebraic-geometric codes and asymptotic problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 33
- Michael Tsfasman, Serge G. Vladut (1995). Geometric approach to higher weights. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 41, No. 6
- Michael Tsfasman (1996). Algebraic Geometry Lattices and Codes. ANTS 1996
2000 ...
- Senya Shlosman, Michael Tsfasman (2000). Random Lattices and Random Sphere Packings: Typical Properties. arXiv:math-ph/0011040
- Michael Tsfasman, Serge G. Vladut (2002). Infinite global fields and the generalized Brauer--Siegel theorem. arXiv:math/0205129 [8]
- Sudhir R. Ghorpade, Michael Tsfasman (2004). Schubert Varieties, Linear Codes and Enumerative Combinatorics. arXiv:math/0409394
- Michael Tsfasman (2005). Asymptotic behaviour of the Euler-Kronecker constant. arXiv:math/0503347
External Links
- Michael A. Tsfasman - Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory
- Michael A. Tsfasman - Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy
- The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Michael Tsfasman
- ↑ Michael A. Tsfasman
- ↑ Roland Dobrushin
- ↑ Vladimir Steklov
- ↑ Curriculum Vitae Michael A. Tsfasman
- ↑ Boris Stilman (2000). Linguistic Geometry - From Search to Construction. Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Springer
- ↑ ICGA Reference Database
- ↑ dblp: Michael A. Tsfasman
- ↑ Brauer–Siegel theorem from Wikipedia