Alexander Yudin
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Alexander D. Yudin, (Александр Д. Юдин)
a Russian computer scientist and researcher in artificial intelligence. From 1972 until 1980 [1], Alexander Yudin worked with Mikhail Botvinnik and Boris Stilman et al. on the project Pioneer,
in partuclar, he worked on Pioneer's opening book [2] and endgame library.
Selected Publications
1975 ...
- Alexander Yudin (1975). Biblioteka debyutov i algoritm yeye ispol'zovaniya. (The library of openings and the algorithm for its use) Appendix 2 in Mikhail Botvinnik (1975). O Kiberneticheskoi Celi Igri. (On the Cybernetic Goal of Games), Soviet Radio, Moscow
- Alexander Yudin (1975). Biblioteka endšpilya EVM. (An Endgame Library for a Computer) Šahmaty v SSSR, 1975, No. 7
- Alexander Yudin (1976). Programma poiska informacii v dvumernoǐ tablice s subordinacieǐ vhodov (Biblioteka posiciǐ endšpilya). (Information retrieval program in a two-dimensional table with subordination of inputs (Endgame Position Library)), Programmirovanie 1976, No. 4
- Mikhail Botvinnik, Boris Stilman, Alexander Yudin (1978). Iskusstvennyǐ šahmatnyǐ Vestnik. (An Artificial chess master) Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSSR, 1978, No. 4
- Mikhail Botvinnik, Boris Stilman, Alexander Yudin, Alexander Reznitskiy, Michael Tsfasman (1980). Thinking of Man and Computer. Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Artificial Intelligence, Repino, Leningrad, Russia
External Links
- По стопам ПИОНЕРа - Контроверза (In the footsteps of PIONEER) hosted by Alexander Timofeev
- ↑ По стопам ПИОНЕРа (In the footsteps of PIONEER) hosted by Alexander Timofeev
- ↑ Alexander Yudin (1975). Biblioteka debyutov i algoritm yeye ispol'zovaniya. (The library of openings and the algorithm for its use) Appendix 2 in Mikhail Botvinnik (1975). O Kiberneticheskoi Celi Igri. (On the Cybernetic Goal of Games), Soviet Radio, Moscow
- ↑ Linguistic Geometry - Related Publications
- ↑ Mikhail Botvinnik (1984). Computers in Chess: Solving Inexact Search Problems. Springer